Thursday, September 3, 2009

It's Done

Some of you already know this but I have decided that my legacy to my son will be the one sweater I knit him every year for his birthday. I know that from ages 9 to about 21 this will be not so popular. But before then and after then I imagine he will know that the hours I spend on his sweater were filled with loving thoughts and lots of hard work.

He will come to realize that there is no gift more special than the gift of your mother's time.

He will figure out that I spent about nine months finding the perfect pattern, nothing too girly but at the same time not boring. Then I spent another month in search of the perfect yarn. A nice color that is soft and not scratchy, but will still hold up to the way boys are. The last two months were spent knitting after he went to bed and on my lunch break at work.

He will know that every time someone asked me what I was making I told them about my beautiful son and not just the sweater.

So today I finished D's first birthday sweater and I think you can tell from the picture that he was pretty happy with it. In fact I think he loved it.

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