Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Visiting Dad

Today D and I went on a little field trip. We visited Kel at his office. D had fun getting into Dad's desk and trying to help him type. Before we went there we got a cookie at Starbucks for him. In the video you can see what happens when I try and take it away from him. We had a good day!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I have been using some of my extra time really cleaning the house. I moved the couches yesterday and swept under them. I found some hair ties, toys, cheerios, and a spider! Except for the toys all was thrown in the trash!

Got the big front part of the house done yesterday so today I'll tackle the bathrooms and D's room. I'll save my room and the craft room for another day!! I need Kel to take some stuff to Goodwill as I declutter. I can put the stuff aside but for some reason I can't drop it off. I'm pretty attached to my clutter!!

After thinking yesterday that my little boy must have been switched at the hospital (he likes green beans more than applesauce) he proved he was ours again by eating anything his dad would let him from the Chinese restaurant. He loved it all. So now I've figured out he must be Kelly's but not real sure who is mom is yet! LOL! This picture is from Asa's wedding this summer. We were facing the sun so we are a little squinty!

Have a good week everyone!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Reading, Knitting, and Waiting

Waiting for what you may ask. That I'm not sure but I know that something good is coming and I will be ready when it is here! :)

Not to much new around the manor. D had his one year appointment on Monday and he got FIVE shots and was a real trooper. He was not so chipper the rest of the day but I couldn't blame him. I couldn't even watch as he was getting the shots and I think my heart hurt as much as his chubby little legs did.

He had me laughing/crying when we got home as he was pulling the band aids off of his legs and trying to eat them. He tries to eat everything: paper, yarn, stuffed animals, and leaves! You would think he was starving but trust me he is not!

Hope everyone out there is doing well. Enjoy some pics of Daryl STANDING in his car. He is a little dare devil for sure!

Monday, September 21, 2009


Daryl has two molars! He has been crying but his parents couldn't be more proud! :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The only thing that is constant is Change!

Lots of changes at the Manor these days but we are just going with the flow and loving our little guy to pieces! Doesn't he still make a great pumpkin. I know I shouldn't play dress up with him but sometimes I just can't help it!!!

I'm just waiting to make the big announcement that Daryl is walking but he is just not cooperating. He will every once in awhile take one step then fall down and continue to crawl to his destination. One thing he does very well is walk on his knees! It really cracks me up b/c I would think that would be so much harder than walking on your feet. Looks like my little one already wants to reinvent the wheel.

Went west again this weekend. We celebrated Grandpa Bob's 75th birthday and saw a lot of cousins and aunts and uncles that I had not seen in probably eight years! It was a blast and D had a lot of fun being a little ham for all of the adults. He probably gets that from his mom. :-)

On the knitting front my Juliet sleeveless cardigan is done. But after trying to justify all day that it doesn't need blocked, I'm going to block it. Try and get to that later today and then when it dries I will post some pictures. Still got a baby project on the needles and started my very first cable project on Saturday. It is a coffee sleeve that I can just keep in my pure instead of using the cardboard ones all the time at the coffee shops. I will post pics of that too when it is done. when I was starting it I knew it was just b/c I was putting off the dozen or so hats I have planned to knit for Christmas. I will get back to that list by the end of the week. I already have all the yarn so no excuses!!!

Take care everyone and have a great week! I know we will :-)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Weekend (No labor done!)

Since Kel and I picked this weekend to get married two years ago it has always been a busy one for us. 2009 was no exception. We started early Saturday morning with the first KU tailgate of the football season! Daryl took his wagon and had a great time with everyone feeding him! It was so great to see all of our football time friends. I don't know why we don't all get together at any other time of the year!

We hurried back to Topeka so Daryl could go to Grandma and Grandpa's for the night. His parents had a date for their anniversary. It was splendid and we finished our date by strolling the rose garden where two short years ago we got married. I even made Kel stand in front of some flowers and take a picture for good measure.

Sunday we had a big family dinner and a baby shower for Aunt Jen. It was a great chance for us to hand out our thank you cards from D's b-day bash! D also got to play with his cousins and give BIG kisses to his favorite cousin Amber!

Today we headed west to Salina to see my sister and meet her new boyfriend. He was very nice and she was really happy. For both of those things I'm thankful. Salina's yarn shop was closed so that was a little sad but we had a good visit anyway!! Daryl liked playing in the bin of stuffed animals at Sam's!
On the knitting front I'm a good hour from finishing my Juliet sweater and a good week from finishing a baby gift. But I need to cast on another baby gift (got the yarn need the needles) and another hat!! I'll post pics of knitting as I finish it!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

It's Done

Some of you already know this but I have decided that my legacy to my son will be the one sweater I knit him every year for his birthday. I know that from ages 9 to about 21 this will be not so popular. But before then and after then I imagine he will know that the hours I spend on his sweater were filled with loving thoughts and lots of hard work.

He will come to realize that there is no gift more special than the gift of your mother's time.

He will figure out that I spent about nine months finding the perfect pattern, nothing too girly but at the same time not boring. Then I spent another month in search of the perfect yarn. A nice color that is soft and not scratchy, but will still hold up to the way boys are. The last two months were spent knitting after he went to bed and on my lunch break at work.

He will know that every time someone asked me what I was making I told them about my beautiful son and not just the sweater.

So today I finished D's first birthday sweater and I think you can tell from the picture that he was pretty happy with it. In fact I think he loved it.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Birthday part deux

Sorry in advance for the lack of relevant pictures in this posting. My camera battery died at Daryl's second first birthday party. Try saying that ten times fast!

It was a grand event anyway. Daryl smashed into his cake again. Although this cake was not as pretty as the one that Heather made for him last week. We had to stoop to the level of the store bought cake this time around. :-)

Cousins Canyon, Cedar and Cadence were there to help D unwrap gifts and pull him in his new wagon. Usually the Brown kids cause Daryl to be a little nervous and scared but as he gets older he just lets them run around him and laughs.

It was nice to go back home. We made one trip to Dodge and went to church in Hanston. It is so great to see everyone when we go back!

On the knitting front Daryl's birthday sweater will only be about two weeks late. With any luck it should be done tonight. And at the risk of loosing all credibility as a knitter I don't think I'll block it! LOL

After that I need to hammer out a couple baby gifts (one is almost half done already) and then my world will be hats hats and more hats for awhile. Good think I LOVE knitting hats :-) I really do! I just have to fight the urge to not keep them all for myself.

Can't wait for that three day weekend coming up. I plan to fill it with lattes and knitting or knitting and lattes!

Quote of the day "I plan on living forever, so far so good." Saw this on ravelry today and it made me laugh out loud! It may replace the ultimate phrase I want on my tombstone. "I knew if I hung around here long enough something like this would happen!" IDK I think I like my ultimate phrase better. Readers of Meerpohl Manor you decide!