Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Spring Break Road Trip

 Last week was Spring Break in our neck of the woods. The boys stayed home for the first part of the week, and weirdly enough, didn't fight that much. Could be because Daryl's allergies were flaring and he was groggy with medicine. Who knows?! 

On Thursday, we hit the road for Hays, Kansas. We were hosted by my brother and sister in law and it was a nice couple of days seeing family! My niece Clara and I were best buddies and roommates! The older boys were pretty much entertaining each other and I saw very little of Daryl and Alex until it was time to leave Saturday morning. It's so nice having family as close as Hays and I can't wait to be able to visit them again! 

On Saturday, Daryl wanted to go to Wichita to do a little shopping. He didn't find too much in his price range but it was fun just to see a new town. Next time we head to Wichita we need to do more than shop, I know there is plenty to do and see in that city. 

It's always nice to get away for a few days, it's a little refresher to get us through the rest of this school year! We can do it! 

Visiting the Fort Hays museum!

I loved seeing the bison!

Have to check on our office cat's son, Catrick!

Started Spring Break off with some Call Hall Ice Cream!

Nice hat, Charlie! 

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