Friday, March 29, 2024

It's Baseball Time!

 Daryl continues to dive into High School sports with wild abandon! He hung up the wrestling shoes in time for baseball try outs and I wished him well, but said not to get his hopes up. He has never played for a traveling team and he stopped playing summer ball a couple of years ago. 

He tried out for the team and what do you know, he made it! There is less of a learning curve than wrestling, but he is still building skills and really enjoying himself! He has got to suit out for JV and has batted a few times but he will really get to contribute at the first C team game next week. 

I'm happy once again he is doing an extra curricular activity and that I have another carrot to dangle over him to keep his grades up. All parts of high school can't be social, there are large parts of it that are for LEARNING! LOL 

For the rest of April you will find me cheering for the Topeka High Trojans and especially for #22! 

Going in to bat!

He got a hit and made it to first! 

Hanging out between games, he is happy when he is on a team. 

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