Tuesday, March 12, 2024

So I Did a Thing.....

 I changed the name of the blog! I was feeling a little elitist, using "Manor" and all, so now we are a comfy casual "Crew"! 

While my boys will always be Meerpohls, I no longer am. So it felt weird writing Meerpohl Manor posts. I have decided to go back to my given name Candis Stiles. My big reason is, it felt right. 

Spring break has begun in our neck of the woods. We will be going to see family later in the week. Glad we didn't have a full week of travel planned, D's allergies are killing him and I'm trying to get that medicated before I put him in the car. 

Alex saved up, and bought a desk for his room. He spent Sunday building it and rearranging furniture. He is always working on his gaming set up and trying to be as minimal as possible in his room. He does not get that from me! The way he throws things away is concerning. If you think about a gift for Alex, go with food. He doesn't keep much else! LOL 

Happy Spring break everyone! 

~Candi Stiles! 

He can put together furniture, he is ready
for adulthood! 

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