Friday, March 29, 2024

It's Baseball Time!

 Daryl continues to dive into High School sports with wild abandon! He hung up the wrestling shoes in time for baseball try outs and I wished him well, but said not to get his hopes up. He has never played for a traveling team and he stopped playing summer ball a couple of years ago. 

He tried out for the team and what do you know, he made it! There is less of a learning curve than wrestling, but he is still building skills and really enjoying himself! He has got to suit out for JV and has batted a few times but he will really get to contribute at the first C team game next week. 

I'm happy once again he is doing an extra curricular activity and that I have another carrot to dangle over him to keep his grades up. All parts of high school can't be social, there are large parts of it that are for LEARNING! LOL 

For the rest of April you will find me cheering for the Topeka High Trojans and especially for #22! 

Going in to bat!

He got a hit and made it to first! 

Hanging out between games, he is happy when he is on a team. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Spring Break Road Trip

 Last week was Spring Break in our neck of the woods. The boys stayed home for the first part of the week, and weirdly enough, didn't fight that much. Could be because Daryl's allergies were flaring and he was groggy with medicine. Who knows?! 

On Thursday, we hit the road for Hays, Kansas. We were hosted by my brother and sister in law and it was a nice couple of days seeing family! My niece Clara and I were best buddies and roommates! The older boys were pretty much entertaining each other and I saw very little of Daryl and Alex until it was time to leave Saturday morning. It's so nice having family as close as Hays and I can't wait to be able to visit them again! 

On Saturday, Daryl wanted to go to Wichita to do a little shopping. He didn't find too much in his price range but it was fun just to see a new town. Next time we head to Wichita we need to do more than shop, I know there is plenty to do and see in that city. 

It's always nice to get away for a few days, it's a little refresher to get us through the rest of this school year! We can do it! 

Visiting the Fort Hays museum!

I loved seeing the bison!

Have to check on our office cat's son, Catrick!

Started Spring Break off with some Call Hall Ice Cream!

Nice hat, Charlie! 

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

So I Did a Thing.....

 I changed the name of the blog! I was feeling a little elitist, using "Manor" and all, so now we are a comfy casual "Crew"! 

While my boys will always be Meerpohls, I no longer am. So it felt weird writing Meerpohl Manor posts. I have decided to go back to my given name Candis Stiles. My big reason is, it felt right. 

Spring break has begun in our neck of the woods. We will be going to see family later in the week. Glad we didn't have a full week of travel planned, D's allergies are killing him and I'm trying to get that medicated before I put him in the car. 

Alex saved up, and bought a desk for his room. He spent Sunday building it and rearranging furniture. He is always working on his gaming set up and trying to be as minimal as possible in his room. He does not get that from me! The way he throws things away is concerning. If you think about a gift for Alex, go with food. He doesn't keep much else! LOL 

Happy Spring break everyone! 

~Candi Stiles! 

He can put together furniture, he is ready
for adulthood! 

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Our Annual Tradition!

Daryl and I have an annual tradition of one KU football game and one home KU basketball game a year. It's a time for us to connect as Mother and Son who love Jayhawk sports! We did invite Alex but he had a band concert. So, before you think I'm this "super mom", I did miss a band concert for basketball. :-( I didn't have the band date when I bought the tickets!!

On Tuesday, Daryl and I attended the Sunflower Showdown and Allen Fieldhouse did not disappoint! It was loud and colorful and fun. If you haven't been to a game in Allen Fieldhouse it is an experience. 

I told Daryl we won't always be able to see the rivalry game of KU vs. (mom's employer!!) KSU but it's fun when we can. We brought two newbs with us this year and they had fun too! KU won the game 90-68 and the last five minutes of the game was a dunk fest. It was also senior night and the pep band wore suits in honor of the occasion. It was really cool. It's been a rough season for the hawks, but they showed up big on Tuesday. I look forward to their tournament run! 

And I feel like I should get a cut of T-Shirt sales that I make happen because if you are sitting with me you have to wear red or blue! 

He never wants to take a picture with me 
anymore! I just have to buy expensive 
sports tickets for him to do it. LOL

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Goal Check In 2 Months In

I didn't do a great job with my habit tracker this month. So It's March 5th and I need to get back on it. Time to focus and grind. Grandma has headed west so now it's just me a my personal development (and Purl and Lola). LOL  

Read 18 Books 4/18 

I read one book in Feb. It was a slow start because I was learning the language and the whole world. But it's a great book and now I know all about Sand Worms, Bene Gesserit training and Kwisatz Haderach. Anyone who has read book one knows that I need to read the second book now because I have questions! 

Dune by Frank Herbert  

Run 600 Miles 100/600

After traveling and not running for almost a week I barely hit my 54 mile goal. I really had to push! The last four days of the month I had to run without missing. I did it! That's #goalpower 

Monthly Healthy Habit Eat 5-6 Servings Fruit and Vegetables 

I focused on this healthy habit so much I lost some of my water drinking habit. I think I'm going to spend March trying to ingrain both of these habits again. I don't want to move on until I have these two under my belt. Fruits and Vegetables and Water!  Apples are my new best friend. Still looking for non potato vegetables that I can eat all the time. 

2024 Money Goals:   

  • Replace Garage Door
  • Down payment on New Car
  • Pay Mortg. Principle down 4K Mad a principle payment in Feb.
  • Hit my Savings Goals for the year Put money in the savings account in Feb. 

First of the month means Bath Time! 

Purl is indifferent

Daryl made Croque Monsieurs for French Class, they went
over well! He can't say Bechamel sauce, but he can make one!

The deer are back! This park is right by my house.