Wednesday, May 31, 2023

May Goal Update

I don't think anyone noticed, I will fess up anyway. I didn't have a goal update in April. I don't remember why, I'm sure I had a good reason. So this month is a two for one update! This far in the year I'm getting an A in running, B in reading and failing in a new place visited every month and finishing projects. Hmmmmm, good thing my grades aren't for anything! LOL  

Read 24 Books: 8/24

In April and May I read 3 books! I'm still a little behind on this goal but I will be taking 2 books with me on vacation in June! 

The book I read in April might be my favorite so far this year. Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus is not what you think by the title. A book set decades ago about how hard it was for women to achieve in careers especially in Science. A great read with many twists to keep you going! 

In May I first read One Shot at Forever by Chris Ballard. I don't know if I loved this book so much because it was about a small town, or because it was about baseball. Maybe what really sold it for me was it is a true story. If you like baseball or small towns or true stories, I think you will love this book. My mom and I read it at the same time making sure not to move the other's book mark! 

I just finished Verity by Colleen Hoover. This was probably the quickest read of the month because Ms. Hoover loves a cliff hanger from chapter to chapter. She keeps you in it! I liked this book more than It ends with Us or  It Begins with Us. Verity had a lot more depth and was a little (or a lot) dark! 

Run 760 Miles: 323/760

In April I ran 77 miles and in May I ran 71. Both months had a half marathon race so that kept me motivated. I don't have another race on the calendar right now so let's see how that goes. LOL Still on track to hit 760 for the year! 

Money Goals: 

  • Pay Mortg principle down 5K  made a principle only payment this month!
  • Replace Windows  
  • Create Backyard Oasis
  • New Paint and Floors in my bedroom Done May! 
  • New Garbage Disposal  Done Feb!
I did two posts this month about my bedroom redo. I'm still loving it! 

Trips: We didn't go to a new place in May but we did do a new thing. We got our inflatable kayaks on Lake Shawnee. It has inspired a kayak trip in June. More details to come..... 

Finish/Work on a loose end every month I'm not doing good at this. I need to do better. 

The inaugural kayak for The Manor! 

We are already planning our next Kayak trip! 

For graduation Aunt Sofia got Alex a telescope. 
He is super excited because he loves space! 

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