Sunday, May 28, 2023

2023 Bill Snyder Highway Half

 I figured we would round out a busy month with a half marathon. Why not? This is the 3rd time I've run the Bill Snyder half and I slowed my pace and had a really nice race. 

I didn't really train seriously since I had run the TopCity half five weeks earlier. I also knew I wouldn't beat my TopCity time because the last 5k of the Manhattan half is up hill! 

My win from this race is I didn't walk up any hills! Yay! I don't have another race on the books but I still have my monthly mileage goal so I won't be sleeping in anytime soon. Happy summer break everyone! 

I really liked my finish photo this year!
Congrats to my friend Kirby for getting
An age group award! She killed it!

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