Wednesday, May 31, 2023

May Goal Update

I don't think anyone noticed, I will fess up anyway. I didn't have a goal update in April. I don't remember why, I'm sure I had a good reason. So this month is a two for one update! This far in the year I'm getting an A in running, B in reading and failing in a new place visited every month and finishing projects. Hmmmmm, good thing my grades aren't for anything! LOL  

Read 24 Books: 8/24

In April and May I read 3 books! I'm still a little behind on this goal but I will be taking 2 books with me on vacation in June! 

The book I read in April might be my favorite so far this year. Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus is not what you think by the title. A book set decades ago about how hard it was for women to achieve in careers especially in Science. A great read with many twists to keep you going! 

In May I first read One Shot at Forever by Chris Ballard. I don't know if I loved this book so much because it was about a small town, or because it was about baseball. Maybe what really sold it for me was it is a true story. If you like baseball or small towns or true stories, I think you will love this book. My mom and I read it at the same time making sure not to move the other's book mark! 

I just finished Verity by Colleen Hoover. This was probably the quickest read of the month because Ms. Hoover loves a cliff hanger from chapter to chapter. She keeps you in it! I liked this book more than It ends with Us or  It Begins with Us. Verity had a lot more depth and was a little (or a lot) dark! 

Run 760 Miles: 323/760

In April I ran 77 miles and in May I ran 71. Both months had a half marathon race so that kept me motivated. I don't have another race on the calendar right now so let's see how that goes. LOL Still on track to hit 760 for the year! 

Money Goals: 

  • Pay Mortg principle down 5K  made a principle only payment this month!
  • Replace Windows  
  • Create Backyard Oasis
  • New Paint and Floors in my bedroom Done May! 
  • New Garbage Disposal  Done Feb!
I did two posts this month about my bedroom redo. I'm still loving it! 

Trips: We didn't go to a new place in May but we did do a new thing. We got our inflatable kayaks on Lake Shawnee. It has inspired a kayak trip in June. More details to come..... 

Finish/Work on a loose end every month I'm not doing good at this. I need to do better. 

The inaugural kayak for The Manor! 

We are already planning our next Kayak trip! 

For graduation Aunt Sofia got Alex a telescope. 
He is super excited because he loves space! 

Sunday, May 28, 2023

2023 Bill Snyder Highway Half

 I figured we would round out a busy month with a half marathon. Why not? This is the 3rd time I've run the Bill Snyder half and I slowed my pace and had a really nice race. 

I didn't really train seriously since I had run the TopCity half five weeks earlier. I also knew I wouldn't beat my TopCity time because the last 5k of the Manhattan half is up hill! 

My win from this race is I didn't walk up any hills! Yay! I don't have another race on the books but I still have my monthly mileage goal so I won't be sleeping in anytime soon. Happy summer break everyone! 

I really liked my finish photo this year!
Congrats to my friend Kirby for getting
An age group award! She killed it!

Thursday, May 25, 2023

And then there was High School....

 It was graduation week at The Manor and on Wednesday it was Daryl's turn. His time as a Robinson Raven is over and he finished middle school with some academic achievement and many life lessons. I'm going to repeat what Alex's principle told us on Tuesday, "They are growing up, but they are not grown. Our work isn't done." He will continue his school journey at Topeka High! 

We enjoyed a family brunch after Daryl's graduation ceremony and celebrated both boys. Alex was the picture captain and made sure we had all the picture groups before our company left. Daryl wore a nice outfit that included his 2022 4-H Fashion Revue shirt, so that was a double win! He always looks so sharp when he dresses up. 

Now the boys are dreaming about summer with friend hang outs and trying to make some money. I see some small business plans coming soon! 

Ready for his name to be called. 

Always have to take a picture by the tree!

Thank you to Grandpa Mike, Aunt Barb and Grandma
Rosie for coming! 

The graduates

Brunch of cinnamon rolls, fruit and breakfast tacos was a hit!

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Bye Bye Elementary School!

 Today Alex had his 5th grade promotion. It doesn't seem possible that he is done with elementary school and as a parent I am also done with elementary school. This snuck up on me and It didn't hit me until Alex's principle was talking at his program. Wow, they are done with this phase of life. Not grown yet, but growing up! 

Alex had a good day, he didn't want to dress up, so I didn't make him. He sang a song with the rest of the class and walked proud across the stage. He had an amazing year this year. He has already said he is going to read three books this summer and then watch out middle school, you aren't done with Meerpohls yet! 

Friday, May 19, 2023

Operation: Send Mom to Her Room

 More or less my bedroom refresh is complete! I still need to acquire two comfy chairs and a makeup vanity, but the heavy lift is done. I love my bedroom now, come this weekend I may not leave it! 

What all was done: 

New Paint

Removed Carpet

Installed ceiling light

Changed ceiling fan 

New Bed, Rug and TV 

Threw away a LOT of clutter! 

The space feels so much better and I'm glad I finally prioritized the project. It started with just wanting to get rid of the red wall in my room and turned into so much more. The last big project I did in the house was installing a shower and tile surround into the hall bath. That was almost three years ago, and I think every other year is the right timeframe for big inside projects. The mess is just too much to deal with all the time. 

You can kinda see the new ceiling fan

Good shot of the new light installed

Before picture with the hated red wall

Where my bed is now was the "desk" area
More like catching junk area

Monday, May 15, 2023

End of School Year Stuff!

 We are entering the home stretch of the 2022/2023 school year. This is a big milestone year for the boys. It is Alex's last year of grade school and Daryl's last year of middle school. In the past week Daryl has visited Topeka High and Alex has visited Robinson Middle School, I think they are both super ready! 

Alex had his 5th grade field trip last Monday and Daryl had his 8th grade celebration on Friday. Alex also had his end of the year band concert on Thursday. They were going, going going all week! 

Alex's band class has made so much progress this year! His teachers are so passionate about band he has agreed to continue on with the trumpet in 6th grade. I'm so excited for him! I still have fingers crossed for a marching band kid. 

Just like last concert it is very hard to get a picture of him in band. The trumpets are the third row back and from straight on all I could see was a couple of blonde curls! So, I got up and tried to snap a picture from the side. 

Both boys had big weeks and they both still made Mother's day special for me. With a little help they got me a planter of flowers and a card. Then on Sunday Daryl made me breakfast in bed. Eggs, coffee and pudding might not be everyone's idea of a good breakfast, but I loved it! 

I spy Alex!

Breakfast of pudding and Eggs! LOL 

We were walking off a big Indian Food lunch 
at the mall when the boys insisted to play
in the play place! They both went there frequently
as babies. Daryl said we did it because it was Free! 
He's not wrong. LOL 

Monday, May 8, 2023

The House is a Mess!

 Last week I started my bedroom project. You may not think you have a lot of stuff in your bedroom but then you put it all in the living room and you realize how much you actually have. It doesn't help my bedroom is almost two rooms, but still everything is everywhere. 

The chaos is only about 4 days old and running around the house to just put together an outfit is old. 

Good progress was made, the paint is on the walls and the carpet has been pulled up. Still left is getting all the staples out of the floor, washing the floors and getting the furniture for a new set up. I'm starting to think I want a new ceiling light in the other part of my room but that would involve an electrician....ugh. Projects always grow. 

Looking to have this all done by May 21st. I don't think I could live with my bedroom in the living room much longer than that! 

The before picture with the red wall I detest and the old ceiling fan. 

The new color, so bright so fresh.
But it's crazy that there is still so much more to do.