Friday, January 27, 2023


 This week started the Junior High basketball season for Daryl. He had his first game Monday and unfortunately I had to miss it. I did get to his game yesterday and saw him make a 3-point shot! Yay Daryl! he also made another basket so he ended the game with 5 points. He played a minute or so of varsity and played almost the entire JV game. The JV team lost by 4 points but it was a fun game to watch with the lead going back and forth. 

I hope he has a great season! It is only six weeks long and I think I only have to miss one other game for work. 

Usually I'm disappointed when I have to miss kids stuff for work. However, Monday was a pretty special day as the Director of Extension and the President of K-State spent the entire day in Topeka on a community visit. I got to facilitate a panel at the Greater Topeka Partnership and host them both at the office for our Joint PDC meeting. It was a long and very fulfilling day sharing what our office does with the community! 

So much improvement from last year!

If education doesn't work out for us, we will 
still have hosting/comedy to fall back on! 

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