Monday, January 2, 2023

2022 Goals Wrapped!

It is official, 2022 is Done. How did you all do with your goals? I'm pretty proud of the things I accomplished. I'm going to have to work more on my house in 2023. Getting people to come work on your house is not that easy these days, but it's even harder when you don't call anyone and actually try. So this year I will actually try! However, that did help my savings goal, so not all bad. 

Next post will be 2023 goals, I have some doubts and am not ready to but it out to the world yet. Half of me wants to do big big things, the other half wants a nap. We shall see who wins. LOL On a side note, make some goals, when I post my monthly update, you comment yours. It will be fun. We can accomplish stuff together. :-) 

 Read 21 Books: 21/21 Done Dec.

Did it! Bam! Last year I missed my book goal by 1. So with two days to read an entire book I did what anyone would do. I grabbed a YA book off of Alex's shelf (the skinniest one I could find) and turns out it was FANTASTIC. Definitely keeping a reading goal for next year. 

Untamed by Glennon Doyle Had a head start because this book was three chapters from being done on Dec. 1st. I didn't love it as much as others do. I think it's because it has been out for so long all of her good advice is already out there. I got it from the library so no harm, no foul. 

The Woman in the Dark by Vanessa Savage was really good! Something about people going crazy will keep me reading. If you like a little mystery with a little crime and some messed up family dynamic thrown in. You will want to read this. I came across this book because coming home from Mexico we had all read our books on the trip so for the full day home we swapped. I'll get this book back to its owner pronto! 

A Long Walk to Water by Park. This was the last book I read this year and it should have been the first. I got it for Alex for summer reading because it was so highly rated on Amazon. A true story about a Sudan refugee, part of me thought it was too heavy for a 10 year old. But everything else said, yes kids should know what other kids have to live through. It's good for them. I don't know if that's true, but it was good for me. This book is what I always wish for at the beginning of every year, it stretched my horizon and understanding. Love those types of books. 

Run 720 Miles: 726/720 Done December 

I got 49 miles this month and hit my goal! I had a week off in December so this one was not a given. It was the right goal for this year. I missed this one last year due to injury. I had a little hip pain this year but slowed down when I needed to. My Avg. pace in 2021 was 9:30 in 2022 it was 10:25. I was slower but I made my miles. I'll take it! 

Money Goals: 

With a little help I did get the blinds up this month that I had bought a couple of months ago. It's amazing how much nicer the room is with new blinds. Will do more house stuff next year. Just didn't want to mess with it this year. 

Add 2K to Savings, Done Feb 2022 

Pay Mortg. principle down 5K, Done Nov. 2022

New Living Room Furniture (Home), Done Feb 2022

Replace Some Windows (Home) 

Replace Window Blinds (Home)  Don Dec. 2022 

Create Backyard Oasis (Home) 

Trips: 3/3 Done Nov. 2022 

Got my three trips for the year: Vegas/Zion National Park, Washington DC and Mexico!! 

Days I hit all of my Daily Habits: 2

I hit 2 days of goals by Dec. 5th. Then it all kinds stopped. LOL Oh well, we have next year. Right, Mom?! 

Headed into 2023, no looking back! 

Guess how many miles I've run in 2023. Zero! LOL 
I'll fix that tomorrow. 

I keep up with my goals the old fashioned way! 

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