Friday, December 30, 2022

Merry Christmas!

 We have been done with Christmas for a few days but being on Holiday break I haven't gotten a blog post up! 

The boys had Christmas with me on the morning of the 25th and then we headed SW to Lakin for the Stiles Christmas. For Christmas Daryl got the basketball shoes he wanted, some football player cards to open, new clothes and a squishmallow! Alex got a Nintendo Switch, clothes, a switch game and a squishmallow for himself. I was surprised how excited they were for the squishmallows that are animal shaped pillows. They are very comfy! 

In Lakin they got to hang out with almost all of their cousins. They went bowling, played video games and stayed up way past bedtime! They are pros about the five hour drive to Aunt Sofia's house. They have learned to just take a nap! 

I hope everyone had a happy and healthy holiday. Time to ring in the new year! (almost) 

Grandma Hugs are the best! 

Henry is a very good bowler! 

I kinda love the mess after everything has been opened. 

The boys got me a great sign!
He has been waiting on a "game system" for my house for awhile. 

The dark horse of Christmas gifts. The Squishmallows were a hit. 

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