Friday, December 2, 2022

November Goal Update

 November was a great month! Any month that ends with a week in Mexico at an all inclusive resort is going to be a good one. Made progress on my goals. Work had a lot going on, but it all got done. So yay for that! 

I turned 40 on Wednesday, and it was a good day. Aging doesn't bother me, I lost my dad when he was 44 so I take every year I can get. My kids are healthy, my dog loves me, my home is not that messy and the people that love me and I love are a phone call/text away. I don't say blessed because that implies my life is an accident.  I have stayed focused and worked hard to build this life that I'm enjoying. I do have the privilege of where I was born. That is the accident part, I guess. So, I don't know what that is called but that is what I am. :-) 

Thank you to all who took the time to say Happy Birthday to me. I enjoyed remembering how everyone has come into my life. I got a lot of laughs in the airport thinking of you all! 

Now for the year goals. We only got one month left! 

Read 21 Books: 18/21

I finished two books on vacation! Granted one was 3/4 of the way done but I started and finished a second. That is the type of vacation I like, lots of reading time! When I take the boys I don't usually get that. LOL 

The first book I read this month was a thriller! The Butcher and the Wren was a book I learned about from the Morbid podcast. It was really well written and a page turner. Exactly what I look for in a fiction read. If you don't like murder, don't read this book. Got it from the library, check it out! 

The second book I read was the sequel to It Ends With Us, that I read last month. It's title is It Begins with Us. It's a love story. It will give you unrealistic expectations about how romantic a man can be. LOL But it was a good beach read. Which is handy because I read it on the beach! If you like sappy romance, read both of these books. :-) 

Run 720 Miles: 673/720

I got 58 miles this month. I made it to the gym when it got cold so I'm proud of myself for that. I really should make the running goal this year. That is exciting because I missed the mark last year. 

Money Goals: Got the Mortg principle down by my yearly goal and then some! 

Add 2K to Savings, Done Feb 2022 

Pay Mortg. principle down 5K, Done Nov. 2022

New Living Room Furniture (Home), Done Feb 2022

Replace Some Windows (Home) 

Replace Window Blinds (Home) 

Create Backyard Oasis (Home) 

Trips: 3/3 Done Nov. 2022 

Took the 3rd trip this month. Went to Mexico to celebrate my 40th birthday in warmer weather. It was amazing! I will post about that trip next with details of what we did and where we stayed. 

Got my three trips for the year: Vegas/Zion National Park, Washington DC and Mexico!! 

Days I hit all of my Daily Habits: 12

I did really good until the week of Thanksgiving. Then I just stopped. I will start again today! Yesterday was sunk with trying to recover from vacation. I'm changing my low sugar goal to don't shop for myself goal. It's the holidays and I want cookies. Lol

This picture is payback for the video my sister posted. Lol

Not my morning view anymore. LOL 

How I prefer to read! 

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