Monday, December 12, 2022

The 2022 Christmas Card!

 Most of our holiday cards are probably at their destination, so I'm super excited to show our holiday photos! Ken Doll did them for us this year, and I wanted to get dressy with the boys. I think they turned out great! 

I wanted to get professional photos done this year anyway because it is Daryl's last year of middle school. I don't know if anyone else still does this, but when I was growing up we had 8th grade graduation pictures and senior graduation pictures. Of course, the high school graduation pictures were more extensive. But we had a professional do both. 

So, enjoy our "Meerpohl Classy Christmas," card. LOL The boys were really good sports and got dressed up with no complaint. And Alex has already worn his outfit again for his band concert. :-) 

All dressed up, just for fun! 

Aren't they handsome! 

Daryl's 8th grade portrait. 

Alex's 5th grade! His eyes are now more gray than anything else. 

This year's card rivals one of my favorites. 2013
when "Daryl" hung Alex on the wall!

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