Wednesday, January 18, 2023

January New Place!

 One of my goals this year is to go to a new place every month. While there was a break  in the cold we ventured to Echo Cliff Park in our neighboring county. The boys had been there but I haven't. It was very pretty but with all the melted snow a little too muddy to hike. 

The boys say it is much cooler in the summer when you can go in the creek. May have to return, but for now this checks off my "New Place" for January! 

Other exciting thing that happened last week, Alex won the 5th grade spelling bee! Then he made the very mature decision not to go to the county bee. 

Me-Did that Qualify you for the County Spelling Bee? 

Alex-Yes, but I'm not going. 

Me-Why not? 

Alex-I won't win. 

Me-You could practice. 

Alex-I don't want to practice. 

Me-Then you are right, you shouldn't go if you don't plan to practice. 


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