Wednesday, February 1, 2023

1st Goal Check In

This month went by fast with the addition of Lola and the start of Middle school basketball. We ended on a high note with Daryl placing 2nd at his school's spelling bee and qualifying for the Shawnee County Bee. He has been once before for his grade school and is excited to try it one last time. 

He was probably more excited to see the Jayhawks win last night in Allen Fieldhouse! It was a great game and I was excited to share the experience with him. Go Hawks! 

How did we all do with our goals? 

Read 24 Books: 2/24

I did get two books read this month. And strangely, I really enjoyed them both! "How to Party with an Infant" by Hemmings was a touching story of friendship with all types of parents. The main character turned all her friends stories into recipes for her cookbook. Quirky and a quick read. 

"Pretty Little Wife" by Kane was a great mystery. In the first chapter, the dead guy goes missing. It only gets more mysterious from there. I will be adding this one to my library. I would also add my other book but it was from the library, so go check it out! 

Run 760 Miles: 55/760

I set out to run 55 miles in January and it took me till the 31st, but I did it! 

Money Goals: 

  • Pay Mortg principle down 5K  made a principle only payment this month!
  • Replace Windows  
  • Create Backyard Oasis
  • New Paint and Carpet in my bedroom 
  • New Garbage Disposal  

Trips: The new place I explored in January was Echo Cliff Park. Explored it with the family and had a fun afternoon. Muddy but fun!

Finish/Work on a loose end every month

I made a list of loose ends. But that's as far as I got on this. 

Forced Smile

Genuine smile!

Lola is a bit of a nibbler....

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