Friday, February 17, 2023

A Couple of Lasts

 This week were some Mom milestones that I wasn't expecting and caught me a little off guard. Alex's last classroom valentine's party was on Tuesday. Monday night I was cooking dinner and he was writing the names of his classmates on cards, and he was doing it all by himself. For a moment I was reflecting on how much he has grown and doesn't need my help anymore. 

Then it was time to tape some candy on each card and he did a couple by himself, and it was a fiddly job. He asked if I could help and I said yes but I needed to kiss his cheek for every card I did. He happily agreed but once he realized I was serious and was kissing him a lot, he let me know he could do the last two on his own. LOL 

On Tuesday morning him and Daryl were talking in the other room. 

Alex-"My valentine's party is today!" 

Daryl-"That's cool. Is it in the morning or afternoon?"

Alex-"I'm not sure" 

Daryl-"Are you happy?"

Alex thinks about it for a minute-"Ya, I am!" 

Daryl-"Good, have a good time."

It was so cute that I knew I had to transcribe it, they are just rarely sweet to each other anymore. <3

Then on Wednesday was our last grade school skating party. Daryl went because they were serving pizza and he ended up having fun too! Grade school will be over for the manor in a few short months, I think I am going to miss it. But then we start one in middle school and one in high school. What new adventures await us? 

Daryl make a nice face...this is what I get. LOL

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