Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Playing with my Christmas Present

 Christmas 2021 Santa brought me a new sewing machine. My old sewing machine was given to me when I was in High School, over TWENTY years ago. Time for a new one. But that means learning how to use new machine, so it has been sitting in its box. 

Alex has his Diamond Painting set up in the basement by where I sew. I figured out he will work on his project if I am down there sewing. So, to learn how to use this machinge I have been making Purl scarves from fabric scraps. I have pretty much figured out the machine, except for winding a bobbin. It came with a wound bobbin so once that is out, I'll pull out the book for that last thing. Purl's first set of scarves were too small, so tonight I made them bigger for her. 

I have a couple of half done sewing projects around. So it's time to get back at it while I visit with Alex as he works. Sounds like a plan! 

I like it mom, but make it bigger....please.

Yes! Better!

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