Monday, June 27, 2022

4-H Exchange 2022

 This was Daryl's first year in the 4-H Exchange group and last week they hosted. We had a group of 4-H'ers from the Corpus Christi area of Texas and they were fantastic! Daryl specifically hosted Lathan and he was such a good friend to not only Daryl but Alex too! We are going to miss having him around, he was up for anything and kept a good attitude even when I knew they were soooo tired. 

We had them for 6 days and they did so much; Axe Throwing, Zip Lining, Toured Arrowhead stadium, went to a Monarchs game, Toured the Hutch Salt Mines, Escape room, Capitol Dome tour, etc! 

I'm pretty sure they had a good time, I know they were all wore out loading up for the airport in the wee hours of the morning. 

Alex and I got to tag along with the group on Saturday for the Hutchison and Lindsborg tours. It was so much fun to be with the big group. They talked about how 4-H was different in their states, how school was different and how much was still the same. I wasn't sure if Daryl would be mature enough to be with this group all week, but he did good. 13 is the youngest you can be and you can stay in until 19 if you are completing a two year commitment. I think Daryl would head to Texas next week if we let him, but it will be next summer before he gets to see Lathan in his county. I'm sure they will have just as much fun. 

The kids found this balance board outside the
Cosmosphere. They figured out they could launch
Daryl off one end if they all jumped at the same time. 
He got some pretty good air before the chaperones shut it down. LOL

One more boy for the week! 

The whole group liked seeing where 
the Texas Tech alum is the quarterback. ;-) 

Daryl had many high moments. 
Chasing after a foul ball at the Monarchs game
was one of them! 

Zip Line in the flint hills

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