Sunday, June 12, 2022

Board Games and Beer, A pretty good week!

 The family finally had a week at home! Well kind of, I was in Kansas City for four days, but mom and the boys were home. LOL! 

When neither of the boys opted to play baseball this summer I didn't really know what that would look like. So I was pleasantly surprised to come home on Thursday and find a Monopoly game that had been going since Tuesday! It had got quite competitive and Alex wasn't doing well. So, Friday through Saturday he had been playing card games with me that he had a chance at winning. I think the Monopoly game is still going....I don't know when I'll get to join because this game has to end first. 

Yesterday, I went to the Tap that Topeka beer festival. I have wanted to attend this festival for years but there was always something on the weekend. This year I blocked the day. I'm glad I did because it was a lot of fun. My favorite beer was a grapefruit wheat that was there and my favorite food truck was Stumpy's Smoked Cheese and the BBQ mac and cheese was excellent! 

I was so happy Morgan and Jordan came with us and I ran into many Topeka friends. It was the highlight of the weekend. This week the boys are not at my house so I need to finally set up my sewing machine Santa got me for Christmas. That is the goal of the week! I will let you all know if I finally get to be in a monopoly game....  

He did win this round of 5 crowns..barely

Second beer festival of the year! 

A great group to spend a Saturday with! 

The yummiest Mac and Cheese ever! 

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