Friday, June 3, 2022

May Goal Update!

May was a blur, I knew it would be and it was! But there is one thing I am so happy about, my mom is back. She usually gets her own blog post on her return but we hit the ground running. I think the first day she was in Topeka I needed her to go get a kids while I got the other. Repeat that over and over and you can see why she is the only way I get through the summer. 

And don't tell my sister, but I think she is just going to stay with me now...I'm nicer! ;-) 

Read 21 Books: 9/21

I was able to read another two books in May. Adding the daily goal of reading for fifteen minutes has really helped me. If the books is in a good place I usually always go over my time. I need to do a better job of making sure the boys complete their reading time every day I have them. They both only got half way through their book. 

The first book I read might be my favorite so far this year. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo has everything I look for in a fiction book. Multiple peoples' stories, twists and turns with a dash of romance. It was a page turner for sure. I'm going to look for other books by Taylor Reid because this one was too good. 

The second book I read I checked out from the library and I thought, there is no way I'm going to finish this before it needs to be returned. I was wrong. Empire of Pain by Patick Keefe is a nonfiction book about the Sackler family and how they played the leading role in the opioid crisis in America. And at this point probably all over the world. It too was excellently written and I devoured it, opting to spend many evenings on the porch with my book over inside watching TV. It was better than the crime drama on TV, this really happened and the effects are still all around us. 

Run 720 Miles: 334/720

I am pretty proud of myself that even with a week of vacation I ran 62 miles in May. Finally had some good outside running weather and I took advantage of it! And when the weather wasn't great I enlisted a friend to still get me out on my long run. My next race isn't until August but I don't want to start from scratch so I was doing six mile long runs in May. In June I will work my way up to 8 mile long runs. Fingers crossed for no injuries! 

Money Goals: The only money goal I managed this month was staying on budget for vacation. And I did it! I did make a small principle payment, but if life goes to plan I should have a bigger one this month. 

Add 2K to Savings, Done Feb 2022 

Pay Mortg. principle down 5K

New Living Room Furniture (Home), Done Feb 2022

Replace Some Windows (Home) 

Replace Window Blinds (Home) 

Create Backyard Oasis (Home) 

Trips: 2/3

As I described in my last two posts we had a family vacation in May. The boys, mom and I went to Washington, DC and Pennsylvania for a week. It was great and you can get details in the May Blog Post. 

Days I hit all of my Daily Habits: 17,

This is the second month in a row I had 17 days of hitting all my daily habits. I started the month strong because I knew I would not be drinking a ton of water during vacation. That makes for too many bathroom breaks! So I want to get 18 days in June. Slow progress is all I'm after! 

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