Friday, April 1, 2022

March Goal Update

March seemed like a really long month! And this last week I have just been so sleepy. I have not been getting anything done after work and I need to shake that off. I know it's not lack of sleep so I'm going to blame the cold snap in weather. I need to not power down till at least 8pm. There is too much to get done.  

Read 21 Books: 5/21

I finished two books this month and was dangerously close to finishing a third. That's good news for how many books I'll finish in April. 

The first book I read was The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave. This fiction story had a pretty good plot line but the main character were not really built up. It read a little hollow for me. I passed along to mom for her to read and then I'll donate it. It's not a bad book but after the backstory I got with We were the Mulvaney's I wished I had more story in this one. 

The second book I read was almost all finished in airports. The fiction story Blame by Michelle Huneven was a page turner! It was good from the first chapter to the last. I will be keeping this one, it was not a super long book even though it covers a woman's adult life, I highly recommend! I'm glad I read this book right after The Last Thing He Told Me, because it was an example that a book doesn't have to be long to tell a very full story. Not all written pages are created the same! 

Run 720 Miles: 200/720

I logged 73 miles this month! This is because long runs have gotten, how do I put this....LONG. In four weekends I ran 7.5 miles, 8, 8.5 miles and 9.5. Pretty proud of those runs, I will just log a 10 mile run before my half marathon in Topeka on April 23rd. 

Money Goals: Added more to savings for upcoming trips and made another healthy principle payment. Yay me! I need to start to get bids for the other works I want done...procrastinating because I don't want to know how expensive things really are! 

Add 2K to Savings, Done Feb 2022 

Pay Mortg. principle down 5K, Another extra principle payment made in March. I've paid down the principle 1,000 so far, only 4K to go! 

New Living Room Furniture (Home), Done Feb 2022

Replace Some Windows (Home) 

Replace Window Blinds (Home) 

Create Backyard Oasis (Home) 

Trips: 0/3

First trip will be this month! Yay! I hope mom is ready to PARTY! (By party I mean be in bed at a reasonable hour....)

Days I hit all of my Daily Habits: 14, Ran out of gas towards the end of the month. I wanted to hit all goals over half the days of the month but that 8 glasses of water really does me in! 

I'm changing my daily habits once again and adding one that will probably be even harder than the water. One of my April daily goals is to eat dinner at the table without my phone. The boys and I have a bad habit of eating in the living room and when I'm by myself I always eat in the living room. I want to use dinner time to connect and it's just a habit I have to make automatic! Wish me luck! 

My mom stitched this lovely piece for me for my birthday.
I finally got it framed!

Did anyone say April Fool's day?!
Prepare the pranks!

I hope to have 16 perfect days in April!

I guess I did ok, just not great! 

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