Saturday, April 30, 2022

April Goal Update!

April was a solid month for my goals. I kept on track with my daily goals and everything else kind of falls into place when my days go to plan. I have taken the last couple of days off from focusing on my daily goals, so I want to start next month off strong and have a good week right off the bat. 

May will be hectic with the end of school and graduations but I'm looking forward to it! 

Read 21 Books: 7/21

I finished two books this month and am actually close to finishing two more! I had some good reading time in April and the two books I finished are actually non fiction. That is not my normal style and I really enjoyed them both. 

The first book I read was Mindset by Carol Dweck. I had read excerpts of this book in my graduate program and I enjoyed going back to it and reading it cover to cover. Dweck is a brilliant psychologist but she writes this book in a very conversational way. She talked about how mindset affects our parenting, our work, our relationships and how we can coach kids in mindset. She also talked about how no one has a closed or open mindset. We all operate in both worlds everyday. That was reassuring. Overall, I recommend. 

The second book I read was Too Much of a Good Thing by Lee Goldman. This book was interesting and connected some dots for me about human health. It talked about the origin of humans and how we are genetically different from those humans today. It talks about how the things that let us survive as a species are killing us now. It talks about obesity, blood clotting, anxiety and fear and blood pressure. I understood 85% of this book, people with more science background would probably understand all of it. LOL 

Run 720 Miles: 272/720

I logged 72 miles this month! I also ran a very windy half this month. I hope to get three in this year and to better my time each half. My time for the TopCity half was 2:12, my  next half isn't till August. Hopefully I can get some 5K or 10K races in before that. 

Money Goals: Didn't get really anything done towards this goal this month because....I had some termites decide they wanted to much on my house! Ugh! I called a service immediately and got the whole house treated within a week. Darn buggers took up all the extra funds for April. So an unexpected house improvement....closing the buffet for good! 

Add 2K to Savings, Done Feb 2022 

Pay Mortg. principle down 5K

New Living Room Furniture (Home), Done Feb 2022

Replace Some Windows (Home) 

Replace Window Blinds (Home) 

Create Backyard Oasis (Home) 

Trips: 1/3

Mom and I knocked out trip number 1 going to Las Vegas and Zion earlier this month. It was so much fun! I love traveling with my #1 fan. :-) If you want the deets there is a blog post about that here.

Days I hit all of my Daily Habits: 17, This was my best month so far on my daily goals. And eating at the table every night with no phones was fun! The boys were a little put out at first, but now they just get their plates and sit down at the table. That habit changes so quickly, it lets me know they like it too. We have also had some very fun conversations!  

I don't like mowing, thankfully I have help!

Not a bad month on the habit tracker! 

Daryl finished his 5th book for the year
tonight. He was sad we don't have the third book
so he could have started it right away. 
He does not appreciate a cliff hanger! 

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