Monday, May 16, 2022

Graduation Weekend!

 Was able to go across the state to watch my nephew graduate from High School this past weekend. It is hard to believe that my sister's kids are old enough to be doing things like that, but here we are! 

With only 30ish kids in the graduating class the ceremony was under an hour, just the way I prefer! It was fun to come together for this accomplishment for Cedar and seeing some of my SW Kansas family at his reception was icing on the cake. I really do need to get back to that side of the state more often. 

My sister is about the busiest person you know, and she pulled together a great party for Cedar. Way to go Sofia, this was a special triumph for you too! Two down and one to go! I wish I had got a picture of all three of the kids, Darn. 

Look how tall I am! 

The boys survived the car ride to see their cousin graduate! 

You got the paper Cedar, now run! 


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