Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Last Day of School

 Today it is a wrap for 7th and 4th grade for the Meerpohl boys. Daryl ended the year with a middle school dance last week and yesterday, Alex had a silly string fight during his after school program. They both had a good year with Daryl experiencing football and basketball and Alex winning the grade school spelling bee! 

Surprisingly, neither of them are signed up to play sports this summer, so hopefully we get a lot more weekends at the pool. That would make mom happy! I'm sure Daryl will want to do lots of fishing and Alex is enrolled in a day camp to keep him busy. 

It was a whirlwind school year but more than anything I was glad that it was normalish for them. Yes, they had to wear masks for the first part of the year, but that wasn't that big of an ask. Still have one more year of Middle School for Daryl and grade school for Alex. We will try to make the most of it! 

Couldn't take our last day of school picture
by the tree, it was raining. 

Last day of 7th grade

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