Sunday, May 29, 2022

Family vacation 2022 pt.1

 Blogging from my phone because I didn't want to forget a funny thing that happened on our trip. Wrapping up or family vacation to our nation's capital, yesterday we road tripped to Gettysburg National Military park. 

I'm not kidding you that we spent 7 hours there. We took a walking tour, bus tour of the entire battlefield and explored on our own. It was an amazing thing to experience and I now understand what happened there and the importance of it. 

Most striking to me is how a country that was so divided that cousin battled cousin, could came back together. They told the history of the dedication of the park and how soldiers from both sides were there to remember. It's a testimate to what people can hope for. (A complete opinion on my part, that type of unity will take statesmen not power hungry politicians.🤷🏽‍♀️)

But, the funny story! So leaving the parking lot 7 hours after we arrived; hot, tired and hungry. Alex playing with his spy glass he got at the gift shop pipes up from the back seat, "wait a minute, was that about the civil war?!" What a goof! Happy memorial day weekend everyone! 

After I told them not to stand
On the rocks at little round top.

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