Tuesday, April 19, 2022

All About Alex!

 Alex has been having a big month and it has been a lot of fun watching it happen. First, he has started flag football, a new sport for him. For the first time, maybe ever, he is playing a sport and Daryl isn't. So the whole family is getting to watch him grow, learn and have fun! Bonus he practices at Topeka High so Daryl and I walk the track while he is learning the game. 

Second, last week his school had a Spring Fling dance. I hear about Alex's friends daily, but I don't get to meet them very often. I loved watching him with his friends and dancing his rear off. I got some really cute video I will keep for blackmail when he is a teenager! Side note-kids can still do the Macarena, who is teaching them this? Can we let this one die!? 

Lastly, as a family we eat out on Friday night. One Friday Daryl chooses and the next Friday Alex chooses. But, since I have them every other Friday they really only get to choose once a month. Alex remembered IHOP last Friday. It was very good but that's not the reason I tell you this. As a family we ate dinner at a table with no phones for five days in a row, including IHOP! The boys were a little annoyed on Monday, Tuesday Daryl announced "we have nothing else to talk about!" Then on Wednesday we started playing games like go around the table and alphabetically name an animal. The boys picked the game and subject and on Saturday they both said they really liked talking at dinner. Yay for small victories! I'm downloading some conversation cards for next week. 

The only time I took my phone out was to take 
a picture of Alex's lemonade, at his request. 

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