Monday, April 25, 2022

TopCity Half Marathon 2022

 On Saturday I ran my first half marathon for 2022. The temperature was great but the 30 mph winds was not so great. I still love this race for many reasons. The biggest is because it is in my home town and I love not having to travel to a race. Another reason is I see a lot of my running friends who I mostly just connect with via Facebook. So it is a real life meet up for us. 

My official stats are as follows: 

Chip Time: 2:12:21

averaged 10:06/mile 

My fastest mile was 9:29 and my slowest was 12:07. 

I was the 79th overall finisher

21st female finisher 

8th of 32 in my age category

I don't think I was any more prepared last year than this year so I only blame the wind for my time. In 2021 I ran the same course in 2:06. My next race isn't until August in South Dakota and I would like to be under 2:10 again. 

Other than running I also got to see Alex play another Flag Football game and on Sunday I got to watch a soccer game. It was a sports weekend! I should have mowed the yard but that will have to get done some time after work this week. I just ran out of steam on Sunday. 

The before picture of some of my running friends, 
should have grabbed Kate from across the street!

Runners get a celebratory Bloody Mary
spectators get a celebratory beer!

Alex doing his Flag Football thing again!

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