Sunday, January 2, 2022

2021, How'd we do?

 I set goals for last year and I made progress on all of them. I would like to have completed them all but when you are trying to stretch yourself sometimes you come up short. I'm not too mad about it, probably because I just got home from a vacation. That helps ;-) 

I do have goals for 2022 and I'm pretty determined to do better than I did this year. My next post will be my 2022 goals but I do need to say, I've already booked some miles running for the new year! 

I make goals I can track so I can see progress. You can't do that for your feelings so I will just write, 2021 felt good. I was challenged and I was supported. I was hurt (my darn hip) and I healed. I got to take the boys on a summer vacation, watch them play sports and watch them continue to grow. 

I know I should bite my tongue before making any declarations about what kind of year 2022 will be. I'm just saying on day 2 I'm feeling good, and I'm going to see how long I can hold onto that! 

Read 20 Books: 19/20  

I read two books in December and finished the year with 19 books. The boys had a goal to read 12 books in 2021; Alex read 14 and Daryl read 8. They were not thrilled that they have another 12 book reading goal for this year, but I don't like reading alone ;-) 

The first book I read was The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night, This book was not one of my favorites because it was written in a very disjointed way. Once I got the hang of the writing it was a quick read. I think my ultimate grade on a book is weather it goes on my bookshelf or in the Goodwill box. This one is hitting the box. 

The second book I read in Dec. was Where'd you go Bernadette. This one is staying on my shelf. I haven't seen the movie that was made from it and probably don't need to. It is a beach read and I devoured it in five days. Definitely recommend! It even got me motivated to work on my knitting again. Bernadette is a creator and when she stops she looses herself. Creators must create! 

 Run 800 700 miles: 667/700

I logged 40 miles in December. I wanted to run 50 but it is what it is. Running will be one of my goals I take more seriously next year. I just never found my motivation once I had to lower my original miles goal. I just didn't care about not hitting my new lower goal. I know, I know, that' not very like me. 

Money Goals: Since I did't find a contractor this year for the stairs that project will carry over to next year. However that did help my savings goal. I actually saved $3,000 dollars this year and after I paid my car off I started putting my old car payment amount towards my Mortgage principle. I will start again on house projects in 2022 but keeping track of where my money is going is my first priority. 

  • Pay Off my Car - Done March
  • Replace my Car's Windshield-Done Jan. 
  • New Fridge
  • Fix Stairs
  • Install a shower in hall bathroom and fix the sink in my bathroom Done July 
  • Add $2,000 to savings  Done August 
  • Replace some windows
Knit four new things: 3/4

I finished another dish towel! 

Do you know that if you visit six Bourbon 
bars in Louisville KY you get a T-Shirt?

I got the shirt! 

I didn't even get a picture of my favorite drink, 
It was  a hot bourbon spiced tea at Makers Mark!

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