Thursday, January 27, 2022

2022 Goals!

2022 Motto: I am only competing with myself, I just want to be better than the woman I was yesterday. I make my yearly goals for this reason. If you don't know what you want to do with your time, it will just float away anyway. I want to be intentional the year with my most precious resource, my time. I feel the same way about money which is why I live by my monthly budget, and have for about 12 years now. 

For clarity, what am I  trying to personally improve? The monthly goals should make me healthier, my home cozier and my point of view wider. So this is the year of health, home and viewpoint. I've always liked even number years, so let's go! 

Read 21 Books: 

This is up one book from last year, and I'm going to try and keep a good mix of fiction and non fiction, even thought I really love fiction. (Viewpoint) 

Run 720 Miles:

This is down from 800 last year but I realize I also like to lift weights and play tennis with the boys. So not all my fitness is measured in miles. Yet, last year miles was demanding more of my fitness time than I liked. And I got hurt and didn't make it to 800 anyway. Here is to 60 miles a month and 720 for the year! (Health) 

Money Goals: (You gotta tell your money what to do, or it will just disappear) 

Add 2K to Savings

Pay Mortg principle down 5K 

New Living Room Furniture (Home) 

Replace Some Windows (Home) 

Replace Window Blinds (Home) 

Create Backyard Oasis (Home) 

Trips: I would like to take three trips this year. One with Mom, one with the boys and one with the girlfriends. (Viewpoint) 

The newest thing I'm trying this year is to keep a daily habit tracker. I got this idea from a book I read last year "The Happiness Project." The author tracked the good habits she did everyday in hopes of making them automatic. It is an idea that has been around a long time and I like the quote about it that goes, "It doesn't matter what you do every day, it matters what you do most days." So I will update monthly how many days I did all five of my good habits. The habits might change but for January they are 1.) 8 glasses of water 2.) Read 15 min. 3.) 10 min Tidy Up 4.) Move 30 minutes 5.) Declutter 1 thing.

That is a lot of plans for my year. Now it is time to get to 'em! 

Never got these posted from Bowling with Grandma before she moved
back to SW Kansas. 


She beat us all, of course! 

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