Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Anyone Else Done with January?

 It is the 25th but this first month of the year feels like it has been going on for awhile. Maybe it's because we have had a couple of cold snaps, maybe it's because I haven't bought any clothes since November, most likely it's because Daryl and I caught Covid last week.  

Daryl and I are vaccinated so we were very lucky that we had minimal symptoms. Alex was with us the entire week and he never got sick and tested negative. So for our five day isolation we sent Alex to dad's house and we became the sick house. In the sick house you do work and homework and take naps. Daryl was climbing the walls! We are out of isolation tomorrow so Daryl got picked up by Dad tonight, he was ready, mom is mean if you live with her for more than a week. I'm sure his dad can commiserate! LOL!

He did finish his first book of the year yesterday. I had him read one of my favorites "To Kill a Mockingbird." He really liked it! Him and Alex have the same reading goal as last year, 12 books, and they are both on track. 

Alex has been playing indoor soccer for about a month now. He really likes his team and I like indoor sports! We missed last weekend but it is going well. Daryl has been practicing for Middle School basketball and was bummed he missed the first games. Hopefully next week I will get to see him on the court! 

Hope everyone is having a better start to the year than we have had! It's going up from here! 

Purl is in favor of working from home!

Very hard to take pictures with that net. grrr

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