Monday, December 27, 2021

Christmas 2021

 The dust has settled a bit on our family Christmas celebration! We got to play host this year and our family came to us. Couldn't do it without grandma, she does half the preparation and more than half of the cooking! I'm amazed at my lack of pictures. Oops.

Love seeing my nieces and nephews and we were only missing one this year. We all figure as the kids get older this will happen from time to time. 

I hope everyone had a good break and I'm just going to keep rolling into this break with a week off of work. I think a road trip is in order! 

Gifts for the boys this year was Kayaks (inflatable), Preston Merch, Chiefs Merch
and cologne and smelly stuff! 

They are cousins but they look like brother and sister!

Santa brought Alex a projector drawing toy. 

Christmas eve was a nice night to walk at Zoo Lights!

On Christmas Eve I also finished my knitted dish towels! 
Yay me! 

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