Sunday, December 12, 2021

Feeling that Christmas Spirit

 We are almost halfway through December and it's starting to feel like Christmas. Mom and I actually got the decorations all up last weekend and yesterday I wrapped all the presents! Most years I'm doing that hours before they are going to be unwrapped, a tad stressful. 

  So at this point to have the Christmas cards in the mail I'm feeling pretty good about Christmas 2021. We have even been to a couple of gatherings already! Last week Daryl had his first 4-H Exchange Christmas party and his team won the make a snowman contest. Daryl got to be the snowman. 

Last night we had Potwin Christmas complete with a horse drawn wagon ride to see the lights. The food, friends and lights were amazing. Two weeks to go and the mantra is to enjoy the friends and family and not procrastinating the holiday tasks. We got this! 

Pepe and Lola are ready to party!

On the wagon ride.

In front of the horses! 

Daryl the Snowman!

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