Monday, May 31, 2021

May Goal Update

Used this long weekend to explore locally with the boys and then hang out with mom today. Daryl was bored yesterday so I told him to make a plan. In fact make three plans and I would choose one for us to do. So from his well thought out list I picked Baker Wetlands in Lawrence with some ice cream to reward us for our walk! We went, we walked and we ate. All was well with the world! 

I didn't eat 30 salads this month. I was three short and yes I could have had three salads today but instead I decided to eat none. Well that could be premature, I might eat one for dinner. Eh, I tried. Not making any goals in June but trying to eat more vegetables still....forever.....

Read 20 Books: 9/20  

I finished 1 book in May and started three others. So I've set myself up for big reading success in June. LOL 

Atomic Habits by James Clear 

I really liked this book. I clearly like goals, however there are some habits I wish I had. I've got running and reading down, but my housekeeping skills could be more regimented and I also have habits I need to break. Like checking social media before I get out of bed. I assure you nothing has happened since I checked it before I closed my eyes. Yikes!  Look at me, just telling all of my dirty secrets! It's ok, I'm working on them. ;-) 

Run 800 miles: 378/800

I ran 81 miles this month. I had a half marathon race in May so that always give my mileage a good bump. I'm still on track to accomplish this goal on time. I will try to find some motivation with no race in June and a couple of busy weeks this month. Need to get at least 16 miles a week. I'll just take this month one week at a time! 

Money Goals: Put some money in savings and still waiting on my shower install. Have the tile ready just waiting my turn on the contractor's list! 

  • Pay Off my Car - Done March
  • Replace my Car's Windshield-Done Jan. 
  • New Fridge
  • Fix Stairs
  • Install a shower in hall bathroom and fix the sink in my bathroom
  • Add $2,000 to savings 
  • Replace some windows
Knit four new things: 1/4

I started a thing this month! When I went out of town last week I knew I needed some road trip knitting. So I started the baby sweater I have been telling myself to start since January. No worries, I'm just making a larger size since I missed the baby's first winter. This is a second winter sweater. LOL I crack myself up! Hopefully next month I will be halfway through this goal, fingers crossed! 

We walked for over an hour with minimal grumbling! 
Good Pick Daryl! 
It doesn't look like much now, but it will be adorable! 

Forgot to show off my new coffee cup from Little Rock! 

Alex and I were in the back for the most part. 

Saw some wildlife on our hike! 

I recommend the Banana Hot Fudge Sundae at 
Sylas and Maddy's!

Friday, May 28, 2021

Road Trip!

This week I went on my first Road Trip since July 2020 and the destination was Little Rock, AR. It was GREAT! I had to wait a year to get in with the fabulous Tattoo artist Katie McGowan, to finish my quarter sleeve. I had her add a ball of yarn and cactus to the existing piece and I LOVE it! Katie is worth the wait and Little Rock is a fun little trip. Her shop name is Love Spell Tattoo . 

Took some extra days to enjoy the area a little bit. I've been to Katie three times now and I've never hiked in Arkansas. I corrected that error at Pinnacle Mountain State Park and hiked the summit trail. It was rock climbing for much of the hike but it was well worth it. Also, I've never seen a better marked trail you could see the next trail mark for the one you were looking at. No way to get lost, I like that! 

Another place I made time to visit with the Rock Town Distillery. Got to try a lot of Arkansas whiskey, some good... and some better! They did make me one heck of an old fashioned. I'm back home, refreshed and ready to go. Also, just trying not to scratch my new ink. The itch is real. 

Arkansas River at Sunset! 

All good road trips have a knitting project! 

The barrels at Rock Town Distillery

An Amazing Old Fashioned! 

I'm a hiker! (I actually needed a fanny pack of some sort)

View from the top!

When hiking becomes rock climbing....

New Ink! This is mostly on the underside of my arm and I love it!

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Bill Snyder Highway Half

Yesterday, I ran my second half marathon for 2021. My goal is four so I'm halfway done with this goal. The Bill Snyder Highway Half is a challenging course even in good weather. The first time I ran it last year it ended in town and was very downhill then flat. This year we ran the traditional course that ends on the KSU football field and that means the last three miles are a climb. I would say I have a love/hate relationship with hills but I actually just hate them. 

My goal was 2:05 and my official time was 2:05:25, so I'm calling that a win! Add rain and humidity to the hills and I'm even more proud of that time. My next race is in August and I'm going to try for the elusive 2 hours time. I've only broke two hours once and I would really like to do it again! 

Most races I go to by myself, so I was really happy to ride down and back with my friend Kirby. We met at the Topeka race and we have so much in common it's crazy! So glad to make more running friends to help keep me motivated!! Kirby you PR'd on a crap day! Yay you!! 

We look pretty good for having run 13.1 miles in 
icky humidity! 

Last year the  course was flatter and my time was 2:10
so I have definitely gotten stronger this last year! 

My first time finishing on the field and I 
was on the Jumbo Screen! Thanks Kate for
getting this picture for me! 

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Grandma Rosie is Back!

 It is the most joyous time of the year, Grandma Rosie has moved back to Topeka and she will be here through the summer. The joy and relief are real! Having an extra set of adult hands is just amazing, especially when those hands also have a drivers license. Half of parenting these days is just driving these goofs around, and sometimes they need to go different ways. Grandma Rosie to the rescue! 

Last week both boys also started their baseball season. They are playing in the Optimist Club league this summer and so far, so good! I'm ready to sit out in the sun and watch some baseball. Because of their late start to school in the fall the boys will not get out of school until the first week of June. That doesn't bother me, school could go year round as far as I am concerned! 

It was a great Mother's day this year, I didn't have the boys until that evening, but it gave me a chance to celebrate my mom! We had a very nice lunch and then went and bought tile. I'm ready for the new shower that should be installed soon! 

Cheers mom!

Yup, I'm still eating salads. It's almost the end of my month of vegetables! 

Friday, May 7, 2021

Softball and Salads

 Earlier this week I had a quick trip west and it was great. I need to get back to the Dodge City area more, and shame on me for not doing it. However, this last year was not a great time to visit relatives anyway, I was so happy when I got to hug my Aunt Dee and Uncle Larry. I'm so glad that we have vaccines and they can be out and about again! 

The catalyst to go back was to see my niece play softball. While her team did not get a win it was fun to watch her pitch and bat. She is having a really good time and it is fun to watch her grow up into a High Schooler. I can't hardly believe it! 

Ok, that was the fun part, now we will talk about salads. I have stayed with my salad a day commitment and am doing it. I don't know if my blood is getting any less sludgy. I do plan to have it checked after this month to see if eating all of these vegetables did anything. A week in all I can say is, I've had ok salads and bad salads. I've yet to have a good one. That is my reflection for now! 

Cady got hit at this at bat, that's one way to get on base! 

Happy Birthday Sofia! 

If I put fruit in my drinks, is it a fruit salad? 

Photo proof b/c people who know me, won't believe 
I'm eating this many vegetables. 😝