Thursday, April 8, 2021

Too Much Nature

 This last weekend was Easter and I didn't totally blow it. I told myself all week to find the Easter baskets but I still ended up in the basement at 6am cussing and looking for them. What a way to celebrate a holy day! Found the baskets, filled them and went back to bed! Alex woke up at eight and got Daryl up right away so they could see what candy and games they received. Then Alex tells me he is getting dressed to go find the eggs. Ummmm I let him know I don't think the Easter Bunny did that this year. He said I was ridiculous because the Easter Bunny always hides eggs. Well I hadn't had any coffee so I didn't argue with him. 

He looked, didn't find any. He ate some breakfast. Then he went and looked again and still didn't find any. So the Easter Bunny is unreliable. That is a life lesson, some times people or magical creatures will let you down. 

After lunch Daryl really wanted to go hike to the Kansas River, so we did that. It was a LONG hike. And even though we were still in Topeka City limits, it got really wooded. And there were signs about what to do if you come across a coyote. So I started freaking out a little bit, I didn't really like it! Both boys let me know they would take care of it if we got attacked by a coyote but I just decided this is too much nature for us. I don't think we are outdoorsy.....

A great weekend with great weather, we need more of them! 

Tree Huggers

After an hour we found the river, we took the road
back so it only took 30 minutes on the return. 

At one point they were both half dressed.

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