Monday, April 12, 2021

Still working towards 12 Books

 I am so proud of the boys for how well they are doing with their 2021 reading goal. I say "their" goal, when really I made it for them because it's good for them. However, they have started to take ownership of the idea and after our 21 minutes was up last night, Alex asked if he could continue to read and it just warmed my book loving heart! It was bedtime but I still let him stay up late to read! (He may have found a bedtime loop hole) 

For March Daryl read Born A Crime by Trevor Noah. I actually read that book last year and when I saw it on Daryl's suggested reading for Middle School I told him he would LOVE it! He did really like it. Yay, Book win! 

Alex's March read was The One and Only Bob, he actually started this book once last year but didn't finish it. He asked if it would count and I said if he started from the beginning again. He agreed and he loved it! 

This month Daryl is reading Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus and Alex is reading Ghost Hawk. I'm currently re-reading When Breath Becomes Air because none of my library books are ready for pick up. So going back to an old favorite! 

Happy reading everyone! 

Can you tell we always read in my room? LOL

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