Tuesday, March 2, 2021

February Goal Update

Not a lot of blogging happened in Feb. It was cold, and that was about it. So happy it is starting to warm up and I got an outside run in on Sunday! I was sucking wind, but it was nice to be outside anyway. LOL 

 Read 20 Books: 4/20 

I caught up on this goal reading three books in February. Staying bundled up at home is good for one thing, reading! 

A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor this was the second book in the series by Hank Green and the conclusion to the Alien Robots story. Sci Fi is not my thing but these two books were good! A lot of commentary on our world that is driven by our phones and our virtual connections over our physical ones. Even if you don't like Sci Fi if you like a good story with a quick pace, you will like this one! 

Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng was the final book I read in Feb. I had an amazing book month. This book was also some excellent fiction and followed a large family with typical family problems that got intertwined with a small family with big secrets. This book was a quick read because you always needed to read just a few more pages to find out what was going to happen. Highly recommend, it would be a great vacation read! Many thanks to Lisa for lending me her copy months ago, I'm sure she was happy I finally got it back to her ;-) 

The Office of Historical Corrections by Danielle Evans was a book of short stories. I don't usually read short stories but this author changed my mind. Everyone of them was moving, thought provoking and of course left me wanting a novel about all of them. Sometimes I don't have the emotional bandwidth to start a new book, short stories might just be what I need to bridge me from full length novel to full length novel! I checked this one out from the library and I encourage you all to find it and read it. 

Run 800 miles: 132/800

I set a goal of running 64 miles in Feb and I hit it on Sunday (the last day of the month), with my first outdoor run of 2021! I was going to get six and be two miles over my goal but I was so out of breath I pushed myself just to get the 3.7 that I needed! If I'm going to be ready for my half in April I'm going to have to put in more road miles in March. Running outside is just different than the treadmill, mostly I'm just terrible at pacing myself! 

Money Goals: I put my entire tax return on my car loan and with any luck I should pay off the Car this month! 

  • Pay Off my Car - Paid an extra $4,011, Balance $549.70
  • Replace my Car's Windshield-Done Jan. 
  • New Fridge
  • Fix Stairs
  • Install a shower in hall bathroom and fix my sink in my bathroom
  • Add $2,000 to savings 
  • Replace some windows
Knit four new things: 1/4

Reading won over knitting this month. There is a new baby in my office family, so I've been looking at baby patterns. I know why everyone wants to knit for babies, they are very quick projects and oh so cute! Especially in pink and purple!! 

Hope you all are on track with your goals. It's early so no worries if you are behind lots of time to strategize and hit them! 

Alex did a project talk for club days last week. He is gaining confidence!

Daryl did a Bob Dole speech for his historical speech.

And just for fun, baby Daryl!

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