Sunday, March 7, 2021

News Flash, Christmas if Over

 I think March 6th is officially the latest I have procrastinated taking the Christmas decorations down. When I asked Daryl to help me get the ladder out of the garage he said they could be Easter lights?! I really like that kid! 

The boys are officially on Spring Break, so we got some new books to read. Isn't that what everyone does? Daryl is pausing on his grown up book selection, because according to him, it was dull. No complaints from me! His school is having a book club starting the end of March and they are discussing Trevor Noah's book "Born A Crime." I read that book last year and loved it so I knew he would too. He is fifty pages in and thinks he will be able to finish it during Spring Break with no problem! 

We are now able to go into the library to look at books for one hour. As long as the number of people looking is under a certain amount. So Alex got a new book too. He finished in Goldfish book on Friday. So they are both right on track with their reading. Yay!! 

This weekend was full with reading, doing some work stuff, running and taking Purl on lots of walks. So far March 2021 is behaving. Let's see how long we can keep that going! 

Lights are down. Will be going back up in 9 months. 

Holding back the rose bush so I can climb the ladder. 
Such a good helper! 

When your Garage door won't stay open you have to use a Daryl.

Alex's book he finished and Daryl's new book! 

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