Sunday, March 21, 2021

Paid For!

 This week I accomplished one of my money goals for the year. 

I paid off my car! My only debt now is my mortgage. Yay! Now I'm emailing some contractors about my bathroom remodel. That is the next money goal for 2021. They are all booked about 3-4 months out but that is good for me, I can squirrel away more money. 

Today was very productive for a Sunday. I started with a long run with friends on the Landon Trail. I have never run on that trail before and it was blocked from the wind and only muddy in a few spots. Running long distances is so much better with other people! They are running 14 miles next week so I will do 10 on my own, the weather right now is perfect for running. 

Daryl has been watching basketball non stop since Friday. So after lunch we went to Ward Meade park to "blow the stink off of him". :-) I love our parks in Topeka, they are little gems. Alex and I picked up some trash that had blown into the flower beds, so we felt pretty good about ourselves. 

Happy Spring Y'all! 

The Suby is all ours! 

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