Thursday, October 8, 2020

Soccer Time!

 Alex has been "mostly" patient waiting to try a new sport. Last spring when we signed Daryl up for baseball Alex said he didn't want to play baseball he wanted to play soccer. That season started before summer baseball so we got him signed up. 

The same week we got his shoes and shin guards, his season was cancelled. He was bummed but with school also going virtual he understood. Then here comes summer and Daryl does get to play a shorter baseball season. Alex had to come to every practice and game for Daryl and just watch. He had made a choice and he was living with it. 

Fast forward to this fall and him FINALLY getting to play. He also got another pair of new soccer shoes because for the life of me I can not find the pair I bought for the spring season. I have torn my house apart twice and could not find his "never have been worn" soccer shoes. Oh well, we went to Academy and he said he likes these ones better anyway. Still a little salty about that...... 

He has now had three games and I have made it to one and a half of them! For my fall schedule that's not too shabby. I don't know what to yell at him from the sidelines, I have never played soccer. So I just listen to his coaches and repeat what they say, but louder. :-) Daryl has been repaying his brother's patience and has been very good about going and watching every practice and game. 

I don't think I've achieved soccer mom status yet, I think you have to sit through some sleet or below 20 degree temp for that! LOL 

Is it too much to ask for one runner? Just one?! You know something I could actually help with?! 

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