Sunday, October 18, 2020

Add Cat Delivery Person to my Resume

 I'm not sure I have told the story of Cheeseburger on my blog. This summer, in the middle of the pandemic, a cat showed up at our office. She didn't just wonder around outside, she yelled at us from the door. We deducted that she was hungry and Jo had a cheeseburger from Sonic so, the cat got half of it. She LOVED it , hence her name. 

Well, we had to get cat food because Cheeseburger decided to make her home in front of our office. With no customers to help, she was a welcome presence for all of us. If we got stressed or just needed company we could go outside and Cheeseburger wanted all of the pets we would give her. She does not like being picked up. I have science'd this. 

A couple of weeks into our new office cat we were trying to figure out if Cheeseburger was being over fed or if she was pregnant. It was the later and at the end of July she showed up one day with a wet butt and just as skinny as she could be. For the next week we all searched high and low for the kittens that had to be somewhere. Cheeseburger did not spend a lot of time with them. It seemed like she was still always outside of our door. Some of us were wondering if they were even alive. It might have been four weeks later when one of the kittens got brave enough to follow mom to our office. Then a week later two kittens started following her. Pretty soon all four were hanging out at our office. They were very skittish. 

Cheeseburger is a part of our office now, but we couldn't really be finding homes for kittens all the time. So we had Cheeseburger fixed and sent the kittens to a rescue because they had some health issues that needed to be cared for. 

Here we are almost three months later and a few of the kittens still needed homes. My sister in law joked about wanting one and my brother said no. A week later I messaged my brother and said the Kitten his wife wanted was still available. He said he would get it as a surprise for her! So this weekend the boys and I took the kitten to Omaha and my brother came from South Dakota to meet us. It was a total surprise for Diane and that was really fun! The boys enjoyed having a kitten for two days, so now I just need to figure out how to make kitten transport a profitable career. LOL 

Purl is happy the kitten is gone. She has been very clingy to me today! LOL 

He likes Youtube! Perfect Kitten for Alex. 

If I wasn't allergic I think I would have kept this kitten. He is soooo cute! 

Catty Mahommes is not too sure about all of these hand offs! 

Can you see the family resemblance? 

The boys have decided the best condiment is a milkshake.
They are weird!  

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