Saturday, October 31, 2020

October Goal Update

Happy Halloween! I hope everyone had a safe and fun holiday. I really phoned it in this year. We did decorate and I got the boys costumes but today's activities were all planned and executed by our family friends' Morgan and Jordan. They created an amazing scavenger hunt that had the boys running around two yards for 90 minutes. They were solving puzzles and finding clues. It was amazing! We ended the evening around a bonfire and had hot dogs and smores. Alex said we should do that again next year! They didn't miss a thing not trick or treating. 

Can't let this day go by without a look at the monthly goals. I knocked another 2020 goal off of the list this month! 

 2020 Goals 

Read 12 Books: DONE SEPT.  2020 12/12 

Knit 4 Things (and no new yarn!): DONE Oct. 2020 4/4

While I was looking for some yarn to finish a project I found a hat that was half done. It is a great hat knit with sock weight yarn in a rib pattern. It is a hand dyed handspun so the colors do wonderful things. I'm not sure when I started it but I finished it this month! So that give me four knit things this year. If you think completing my knitting goal with a half finished project is cheating, you are very judgy and should work on that! LOL  

Make 2 Quilts :DONE May 2020
Still working on quilt number three......

Run 600 Miles: 598

I got  86 miles this month! That is my most miles in one month for 2020. I only missed one long run and on that week instead of 10 miles I ran five. So I didn't skip a long run, it was just cold and windy so I hit the treadmill. However the next weekend when it was still cold I got out there and I ran my 11 miles. So I am ready for my half marathon on Nov. 1st. I even get an extra hour of sleep! 
Save 2,000 Dollars: DONE April 2020
This was a three paycheck month! Yay! So, I got to spend some money on Family pictures, my tree and some clothes and shoes for me and the boys. Even with that I got to save almost enough to cover Christmas. So in November I will start my Christmas shopping with real cash money, no credit cards. Don't put Christmas on a credit card, it will only make you sad in January. :-( 

5 House ProjectsWith the help of Ariel and a desperate search of two nurseries I found one Chinese Fringe tree to plant in my yard. I wanted two but I thought maybe only finding one was a sign. The sign being that I would be lucky to get one tree to grow! I think this will be it for my house projects in 2020. I have a tentative list for 2021 and am ready to hit the ground running in January! Extra funds will either be put in savings or spent on holidays! 

Put in a ceiling light in living room:  Done May 
Put in a ceiling light in my bedroom office
Get a new stove: Done Feb
Remove a scraggly tree Done September 
Plant two new trees  Done October 

The Boys are a Revolutionary War Officer and Ant Man.
They got to also wear them to school on Friday! 

My 4th finished knitting project for the year. 
Pattern is Headsock, yarn was some fingering weight handspun. 
Already have another hat on the needles! 

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