Sunday, November 8, 2020

Two Races and Two Hats

At this time last week, I was freezing in Kansas City waiting to start my second half marathon for the year. If it has been this weekend, the temperature would have been perfect! But it wasn't snowing and on Nov. 1st you have to consider that a win. I drove myself, ran my race and took my tired butt home. Having someone to watch me finish is nice but I can do things by myself too!  

My race in Manhattan I lined up with the 2:15 pace group and felt that they really helped me not go out too fast. I chit chatted most of the time and was laughing and having a good time. Since that race I have been running faster on my own so I decided to leap frog the 2:10 pace group and I lined up with the 2:05 group for this run. I have never spent the majority of a race trying to keep up with my pacer! There was very little talking and when the pacer told me at mile 10 "If you feel good, you should just go!" I said, "I don't feel good." LOL 

I ended up speeding up at mile 12 and finished with a 2:04 time! My PR is from May 2014 and it is 1:56:28. Not sure I will ever get back there but getting under 2 hours will be the goal for 2021! 

Daryl ran a political race last week. He decided to run for 6th grade rep for Middle School Student Council. He had to record his speech and all the 6th graders watched the speeches and voted. His speech was right out of a 1950's presidential campaign. I gave him a hard time for ending his speech, "God Bless You! and God Bless America!" I told him I didn't think that was going to resonate. But he proved me wrong and was elected one of the three reps out of six running. Way to go buddy!  

For some reason I caught a knitting bug and I have been turning out hats like crazy! After finishing my fingering weight hat last month I casted on with worsted weight. I was so giddy about how fast it was going I finished it in five days! Then I gave up looking for more gray yarn and finished another half done hat with yellow yarn. On Friday, I cast on another fingering weight yarn hat because I need to slow down a bit. LOL! 


39 degrees and here we go!

Two Hours later I was ready to go home! 

Photo Credit to Ariel, she takes great photos!
Pattern: Barley Yarn: Universal Worsted and some scrap yellow 

Pattern: Christian's Hat Yarn: Paton's Wool

Newly Elected Daryl enjoying a celebratory steak dinner!

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