Saturday, November 14, 2020

Make your happy!

 Today Grandma Rosie, Daryl and I put up the Christmas lights. Because time doesn't matter and months don't exist. One thing that will happen is it will get super cold and I wanted my lights up before that! I also needed to clean the leaves out of the gutters and I only wanted to get the ladder out of the garage once. 

I will wait to put up the inside decorations but these lights outside are making me happy. I need some happy as it is getting darker earlier, getting colder and I still can't be with all of the people I want to be with. So, I'm still doing the things that I can that lift my spirits. Running, watching The Office and now decorating for Christmas! 

As COVID rears it's ugly head again I would encourage you to find the things that you can do that make you happy while you stay safe. Knitting hats works, I have a lot of friends and they all need a hat. If you need me I will be home, knitting, maybe drinking some wine, probably watching the office! It will be easy to find my house. It has the penguin (Pepe), Llama (Lenny) and Flamingo (Maria) having a party out front! They will be there till February. 

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