Wednesday, September 30, 2020

September Goal Update

Meerpohl Manor is cruising out of September right on track. It's the last day of the month and we even have $24 left in our eating out envelope. Does that mean I get some fancy coffee this week?? I might just put it away for the giant pretzel I'm planning to eat on Sunday. This is adulthood kids, I'm four days away from eating a giant pretzel and that will get me through this week. 😂  

Remember my last post when I begged for a school routine? Word on the street is the middle school is changing next week. Not even a full week before we started this new schedule. The universe is testing me, I'm trying here! 

The boys are doing really well with all of the bouncing around, it's really just mom that is struggling. But that's ok, fancy coffee and giant pretzel here I come to self medicate! 

2020 Goals 

Read 12 Books: DONE SEPT.  2020 12/12 

So I did a silly thing last month and I forgot that I did finish a book. So with the two books I finished this month this goal is toast! With three months left to go that means this one needs to be bumped for 2021. 

Born A Crime by Trevor Noah, This is the book I finished in August and it was great. It is about growing up in South Africa and not being black and not being white in a country where those are the only two races. Because it is Trevor Noah he finds the funny in all things, but he grew up in a world that was not that funny. It also talks a lot about his mom and she is a force. If you can get your hands on this book, read it. 

An Absolutely Remarkable Thing by Hank Green, Jaime lent me this book and it is one of those that grabs you and doesn't let go. It is Sci Fi in the lightest sense of the genre. You almost forget it is Sci Fi then 3/4 of the way through the book you think dang, the major character is an alien robot. Ok, Sci Fi book, you got me,  I'm still hooked. :-) Very much enjoyed this one and am waiting for her to finish the next book in the series so I can read it and resolve the cliff hanger!!!

American Dirt  by Jeanine Cummins This is another one of those books that introduces me to a life I don't consider that often. What is it like being an immigrant from Central America or Mexico and deciding to flee north to the United States. The decision doesn't come easy and you are just as likely to die as you are to make it to the border. This fiction tale will also make you realize death may not even be the worst thing that can happen to you. It will make you feel, think and hopefully consider how lucky you are just because of where you were born. So much of our future is determined by nothing more than the zip code we were born in, not by our goodness or any potential we might have as people. Let that sink in a little......

Knit 4 Things (and no new yarn!): 3/4

Might make a fourth hat, might make some mittens, might be looking at cowl patterns right now. My last project for the year could be anything, well except for a vest. I'm not finishing that damn vest. 

Make 2 Quilts :DONE May 2020
I am going to re commit to the towel quilt I started a few months ago. If it gets too cold to be outside, that is the perfect time to sew. I have two strips of six sewn together. So at the very min. I need to have three strips done my next month's update. 

Run 600 Miles: 512

I got  75 miles this month! Started the month off strong with my first half marathon in a year. Had a most excellent time of 2:10! Got so pumped I signed up for another half in November. All was good until this week, I'm running in 45 degree weather. Ummmmm that's not fun. I only have to tough it out for October and then I can hang up the running shoes for the winter. Brrrrrr

Save 2,000 Dollars: DONE April 2020 
I didn't put anything is savings this month and I had to pull a little out to have my tree removed from my driveway. That was all planned and my savings is still in great shape! 

5 House ProjectsBye Bye tree that blocked half of my driveway. I'm not sad to see you go. Your friend the pampas grass will be joining you soon on the burn pile. So glad to have this done! 

Put in a ceiling light in living room:  Done May 
Put in a ceiling light in my bedroom office
Get a new stove: Done Feb
Remove a scraggly tree Done September 
Plant two new trees 

Didn't run as much as I did last month, but I got faster! 

I do have a garage, you just can't see it. 

Alex likes to use my hair dyer. I'm not complaining. 
Wonder if he could use the curling iron.....

Monday, September 28, 2020

First day of School, part deux

 It is amazing, but today, 9/28/2020 both boys went to school. I can't wait to hear how their day went! This is only two days a week for Daryl but it will be good for him to actually meet his teachers. I think he will engage more during virtual school once he has made those connections. 

Alex should be able to go every day but that is just as long as it is safe to do so. With COVID we always have to see what happens two weeks after any change is made. If things flare up the school is ready to send the kiddos back online. I'm not mad about it, they are doing the best they can. 

Daryl was so nervous last night about going to a new building he was driving me crazy! He was pacing, sighing and was super short with Alex and I. To help calm his nerves we spent and hour going through his backpack, picking out his clothes and talking about best times to wake up to make the bus. He settled on 6:20am but I think we will be able to push that back to 6:30am. He was ready in plenty of time this morning. 

I got to walk him to the bus stop this morning but was not allowed to take any pictures! 

At Alex's school I had to settle for a picture in the drop off line. All parents have to stay in their cars while their kids get their temperature checked. If they are good to stay, parents just drive away. It all happened so fast there was no time to get sad or worry. 

Can't wait to hear all the first day stories, even if it is actually the fourth week of school. ;-) 

Ready to go before the sun is up! 

You can take ONE picture before the bus comes mom.

Alex was so ready for today! 3rd grade here we come!

Waiting our turn for temp check in the drop off line. 
2020 you are full of surprises! 

Monday, September 21, 2020

Good Weekend for a Trim

So, I got super excited that the boys might be going to be in-person school next Monday on the 28th! That means back to school haircuts and we already have the supplies and shoes from last week. I've never been this on top of the back to school stuff, looks like I just needed an extra month to be ready. 

It was also a good weekend to say goodbye to the tree that has been blocking my driveway for two years. It is wonderful being able to pull all the way up to the garage! This is my second to last house project for the year so I was so happy to be making progress on that goal. 

I topped off my weekend with a 4-H club visit. There was a time I didn't get so excited to work on a weekend and arrange that day around when I was going to be busy. That has changed so much! I was so happy to be able to see one of my 4-H clubs and have them help me with a project that I was ready to leave the house at 3pm! I didn't need to leave till 4:30pm..... I have the best clubs and families and I miss being with them face to face! 

Before picture! 

After picture! Looking Sharp! Ready for school. :-) 

Before picture!

After! Also, looking sharp!

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

New Kansas Rocks (New to me :-)

 What do you do with your first weekend in months with no work and no kids? I take the time to finally drive across the state and check out the Kansas State Park, Little Jerusalem Badlands! It is four and a half hours from Topeka and very worth the drive. There is a walking path out to several points in the rock formations and it is a very easy walk. 

Of course while you are there you should just go ahead and check out Monument rocks, the only thing that will get in your way are cows in the road. Take time to explore Kansas, it is worth it! Next time, largest ball of twine and Garden of Eden. LOL 

My boys do road trips very well but I was very happy with my decision to make this road trip a grown ups trip. Don't feel sorry for them, just a month ago I drove them to Colorado, I've done my part! LOL 

This is the boys second week of virtual school but my first week supervising. On day number two I almost don't want to say it but, so far so good! The boys are logging on, participating in their classes and getting their homework turned in. I can't really ask for more. For the second day in a row I have been able to stop melt downs with the promise of ice cream after dinner. If this keeps working I should buy stock in Blue Bunny. 

The guardians of Monument Rocks near Oakley, KS 

Little Jerusalem Badlands State Park

More from Monument Rocks! 

Daryl at school

Alex at school, I don't know how he walks to his
desk either. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Bill Snyder Highway Half

Yesterday, I ran my first half marathon for 2020. I was signed up to do the Top City Half in April but I lost all my training mojo and had to switch to the 5K. Originally, the Bill Snyder Highway half was supposed to be in May. I was relieved it was pushed back to Sept., I was not going to be ready to attempt it in May. 

Imagine my surprise when I got an e-mail with race details in Late July about the Sept. 7th race. I had COMPLETELY forgot about this race that I had already paid for. I knew it was coming up but I had failed to write down the new date. I had been running all summer to hit my monthly mileage goal of 50 but wasn't doing long runs. So I had to decide if I was going to be able to do all my long runs in one month to be ready for a 2+ hour race. 

With the encouragement of my friends I decided to give it a try. I completed a long run every weekend and got all the way up to 10 miles the week before the race. I was feeling good! 

I lined up with the 2:15 pace group hoping to clock a 2:14 time. My last half marathon was the KC Half Marathon in October of 2019. I ran a 2:16 in that race so I thought it would be good progress to knock 2 minutes off of that time. 

I was so glad this was the pace group I decided to go with. The pacers and other runners with the group were so supportive and gave great running advice. I learned so much running with them! The hills were in the first five miles and then we started going down hill until we hit town and then the course was flat. So at 8 miles the pacers encouraged us to speed up if we felt good. I did and I did feel really good until mile 12. OMG I started to feel it that last mile, and it was my slowest mile of the whole race! 

Was pleasantly surprised to see that my chip time was 2:10:46, I knocked almost 6 minutes off of my 2019 time! So happy with this race and I have my running mojo back. Last night I actually signed up for another race in November! LOL I just hope it doesn't get too cold before then. I don't like to run in the cold. I said what I said! 

Also, took the best race pictures I have ever taken. Ya, this race was a total win. 💖

Yay, Finish line! 

Best pace group 2:15! 

My official results. Not too shabby! Can I break 2:10 in November??