Monday, September 30, 2019

Sept. Goal Recap

I can't believe there are only three months left in 2019. Whew! One of the reasons I have been doing monthly recaps is to keep myself accountable. It has really worked! All my goals are well in sight of completion. I HAVE EVEN RUN ALL MY MILES FOR THE YEAR! I won't stop running now, my half marathon is this month. I will have to set a more challenging running goal for 2020. Here is where I stand for the end of September.

2019 Goals 

Read 10 Books: 9

I didn't plan on reading a book this month with all the reading I'm doing for a class. But Topeka has the best library and their community read this year was "Grandma Gatewood's Walk" by Ben Montgomery. I read a couple of pages in the library and I was hooked. It is the true story of the first woman to walk the entire 2,000+ miles of the Appalachian Trail at once. When she did it she was 67! The book was very inspiring and with what Grandma Gatewood lived through raising her 11 children this walk was an escape for her. Challenging but not scary. Ugh, So good, if you need some inspiration, read this one.

The icing on the cake was the library brought the author in on Sept. 29th to talk about the book and getting to know Grandma Gatewood, who died 5 years before he was born. He said he still fell in love with her. It was a delightful insight into a book that I thoroughly enjoyed.  

Knit 4 Things (and no new yarn!): 3

I cast on a hat, just for me from some yarn I bought at Dallas Fiber and Wool in 2018. The yarn came from "A Thing for String." I love my one Barley hat I've knit by Tincan knits. So I'm knitting this luscious sock yarn into a Barley Light hat.

Run 400 Miles: 412!!!

I ran 77 miles in September. That's my most in one month by 20 miles!  This took me over my yearly goal of 400 miles. I don't plan to stop running just because I've reached my goal. I will figure out how to stay motivated to get out of bed in the morning after my race mid October. I'm less than a month away from 13.1 miles. yikes !

Five House Projects:
Next project is basement windows. And now I'm starting to think about painting.....
Stairs (Completed: 0/00 )
Porch (Completed: 5/22/19 )
Dishwasher (Completed: 2/23 )
Water Heater (Completed: 2/15 )
Refinish Door (Completed: 6/22)

On Saturday, Alex and I went to Going Bonkers while Dad and Daryl went to a Rodeo. 

How you dress for a rodeo. 

Saturday, September 28, 2019

My Little Goober!

I have to brag a little bit, Daryl had a pretty awesome week. He had a field trip on Wednesday, and his teacher reported that Daryl is a goober! She said Daryl always makes her laugh and is a friend to everyone in the class. She said on the field trip he was, "Stealing noses."

I had to clarify, "You mean like pretending to take another kid's nose and saying 'got your nose?'" Turns out that is exactly what he was doing, and when he would steal the nose he would run away from his friend and they would have to chase him to get their nose back!

I got a pretty good chuckle. Later, when I played stealing his nose he said, "did you talk to my teacher!?"

On Friday, I got a call from the school. I have gotten many calls from the school since Daryl started kindergarten. 95% of the time he is trying to get me to pick him up because he doesn't feel good.  I was on a first name basis with the nurse at his old school. She would say, "I told Daryl you would say he should go back to class, but he wanted me to call you anyway."

The other 5% of the time Daryl has gotten hurt at school and it's not a fun call either.

On Friday, I was dreading why the school office was calling me. It wasn't the nurse so I figured something happened on the playground. Then when the office said Daryl had something he needed to tell me, I thought oh geez. He has gotten in trouble!

Daryl told me over the phone he was the star student of the week! Oh my goodness, I was so proud and surprised, tears came to my eyes! I told him I was proud of him. He may be a goober but he is also pretty awesome. Great job Daryl, your year at your new school is going better than I could have ever imagined. Keep it up!

Monday, September 23, 2019

I Just Felt Like Running!

You all probably get tired of hearing about my running adventures. But, this Saturday the boys got to join in on the fun with their school's 1 mile fun run!

The school organized a run in the neighborhood and I was afraid it was going to get rained out. But the weather held and both boys got to run the course. Daryl flew and was in the second pack of kids to come in. Alex admitted he walked the last part, but he finished with a sprint.

They had fun, and that made my little runner heart happy! I have less than 30 days from the Kansas City Half Marathon and I'm still on track with my running plan. I have an 11 mile run this Saturday and that will be my longest run till my 13.1 miles.

Yay, I'm almost there! 🏃🏃🏃

Alex wanted the race "Merch"! 

Daryl flying to the finish!

Alex finishing strong! 

The running plan I've used for my half. Coffee Stains and all!

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Our Lazy Weekend

One might argue there is no lazy weekend for a mom of two. Last weekend was about as close as we have gotten to a recharge weekend since snow days last winter. I throw those in there because when you can't get the car out of the driveway, you really do have a relaxing day!

On Friday, the boys and I were both beat. We stayed home and I tried to mow the lawn. I say tried because I started too late and 30 minutes in, it was dark! I'm sure the neighbors thought I was crazy when I was finishing the corner under the street light!

On Saturday I got up early and did a nine mile run. Wahoo! That was a big one for me and I didn't even take a walk break. Yay!! When I got home I showered and went back to bed! I didn't get to fall asleep because the boys woke up and were ready to go. We messaged a friend from their old school, and got a play date on the books for Sunday. That got the boys in a really good mood so they didn't fuss at all with helping me do a work program at the library. We celebrated with Wendy's for lunch and spent another night at home.

While at the library I picked up my next book to read. "Grandma Gatewood's Walk," so far it is awesome!

Sunday we had fishing, a play date and I finished the lawn work. They were such good sports for a chill weekend! I wish we could have them more often, but I will take them when I get it!

Alex will always use a night at home to bake! These donuts were good! 

Walking our couch potato, Purl. 

Fishing, but mom wouldn't buy worms. So Daryl says that is why he didn't catch anything. (Insert 11 yr. old eye roll here)

Lunch date with an old friend is a great way to end a weekend. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Aug. Goal Recap and Labor Day Weekend

The Manor had a wonderful long weekend. We took off on Friday for South Dakota and stayed with the Stiles family until Monday. We enjoy their house, yard and lake within walking distance. It is just a great way to spend time with family while the kids have the run of the place!

It is already fall there. Most days stayed in the 60s, that was a welcome change! It is going to be 92 today in Topeka, yuck!

When I retire I want to live with my brother and sister in law. They do such a great job of hosting, I think they should probably go into the hospitality business. They had meals planned for the entire time we were there, and activities for the cousins to choose from. My boys really enjoyed the day they went bungee jumping and raced go karts. The next day they went to the indoor pool and had a good time there too! I missed the pool and instead finished my pair of socks I have been working on. They are a gift for my mom so I wanted to finish them when I was with her. That way I didn't have to mail them!

A relaxing weekend to end summer. We are ready for fall, now if the weather would cooperate!

2019 Goals 
Read 10 Books: 8

No new books. Again. School has started and my reading time has been spent reading research articles. 

Knit 4 Things (and no new yarn!): 3

I finished the socks! Now to find out what I want to cast on next to finish this goal!

Run 400 Miles: 335

I ran 54 miles in August! I missed my long run over the holiday weekend but my monthly mileage was still my best for 2019. I've set the goal for 60 in September. I have to get to an 11 mile run this month. I am still on track for my first half marathon in MANY years! 

Five House Projects:
Not on the list but I think the next house project will be replacing the basement windows. All my windows need replaced so I guess I'm just starting at the bottom and working my way up! 
Stairs (Completed: 0/00 )
Porch (Completed: 5/22/19 )
Dishwasher (Completed: 2/23 )
Water Heater (Completed: 2/15 )
Refinish Door (Completed: 6/22)

We could not pass up the chance for a family picture. It has been awhile! 

Picture proof. Socks done! 

The twins! 

These boys fished half of the weekend!

My sister in law has many amazing talents. Add woodworker to that list. The lady has a saw and she will build you a tree house out of an old fence! Can't wait to see what she builds next.