Tuesday, August 27, 2019

I Call Next to Retire!

 Last week I attended two retirement parties and I decided, that's it, no one else gets to leave. ;-) Kendra is retiring from my office, and she will be missed by us and all her teachers!

The second retirement was one of my 4-H mentors, the one and only Jodi! It is hard to believe I've been doing this job for seven years. It has gone fast. However, the one thing that didn't go fast was my very first year as a 4-H Agent. It very well could have been my last year. But there was one lady, who helped me more than she will ever know. Ms. Jodi was in my camp group and I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing for camp driving to Rock Springs.

I was a nervous wreck and I confided to Jodi that I felt like I had no idea what I was doing. I don't remember exactly what she said to me, but she just had this calming sage advice. She made me believe that I could be a good agent. These days I love camp, and I love camping with Jodi. We work on other Extension projects together and when I've had rough patches professionally or personally she is always so supportive.

If she can do all this for a coworker, two hours away, can you even imagine all the youth she has directed to bigger and better things? I can't. The work of youth development is planting trees, us youth development professionals may never get to sit under their shade, but we are responsible for it. Jodi showed me how to plant trees and she also taught me how to be calm, and that everything will work out!

Jodi, Congrats on your retirement, you deserve it and I will be a constant Facebook stalker of you! Also, Daryl was very upset you were retiring:
Daryl "Where are you going?"
Me "To Jodi's retirement party in Wichita."
Daryl "Camp Jodi!?"
Me "Yes"
Daryl "But who will RUN CAMP!?"
Me "I'm going to try."
Daryl "Oh no!"
LOL ;-)
From 2015 camp, we are twins!

Thank you for how much you have taught me, and keep your phone on! 
We went to the Zoo on Saturday! We had to show Jefferson how much it has changed in 20 years! 

I loved the temporary shark exhibit they have!

I think we all could have fit in the big chair. The boys did not think so!

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

11 Things About My 11 Year Old

Alex talked all day Saturday about making Daryl a cake. So we
went to the store, got what he needed and he made his brother a cake!
He even blocked off the kitchen with chairs so Daryl couldn't come in.
They fight like crazy but Alex is Daryl's biggest fan. 
Having been 11 for an entire day, I interviewed Daryl this morning. Some of his answers are definitely not what I would ever choose. So this is him, growing up, being his own person. It seems that person is a cowboy!

1.) What is your favorite Food
2.) What are your favorite clothes
Country clothes
3.) What is your favorite school subject
4.) What is your favorite Team
KU Basketball
5.) What is your favorite Color
He first said blue, then changed his mind to red. Maybe see question 4 LOL
6.) What is your favorite 4-H project
7.) Who is your favorite Singer
This answer took the most pondering. George Strait
8.) What do you want to be when you are grown
9.) What is your favorite month
10.) Where would your dream vacation be
Amarillo (Mom's face looked like this ?!?)
11.) What is your favorite TV Show
Professional Bull Riding

Of course I couldn't spend all that time interviewing Daryl without Alex wanting a turn. Here are Alex's answers to the same questions:
1.)Cheese Pizza 2.) Unspeakable Merch 3.) Math 4.) Dirt Devils (his tee ball team) 5.) Teal 6.) Construction Zone 7.) Luke Bryan 8.) Scientist 9.) December 10.) Minecraft! This involved debate with Daryl who said that's not a real place. Alex repeated the question like this "What is your DREAM vacation." 11.) Youtube!

Daryl wanted shrimp for his birthday dinner so Mom
Dad and Alex took him to Golden Corral. They even sang to him! 

This picture just cracks me up! Daryl posing while at the same time blocking his brother! 

He was pretty happy with a pocket knife. I can't remember if it was from
Grandpa Mike or Dad. He got lots of cool presents! Including Rodeo tickets from dad!

Friday, August 16, 2019

Road Trip!

This last week I took some time off and went on a bike trip with Jefferson. We put in a lot of miles on the car to bike a few miles in New Mexico and Colorado. Got to stop in Dodge City on the way out and saw Aunt Rita and Uncle Steve!

I wrecked on the first day riding, so to make me feel better Jefferson wrecked on the second day. LOL

We were riding in a state park in Ruidoso and the trails were great! And my wreck was my first actually coming off my bike, so that was new. Usually, I just fall over with my bike, this time we went different ways. I cut my hand on some rocks but nothing worse than that. I have bike gloves now!

In Salida, CO we rode around S mountain. There were a lot of kids on the trails, so I knew they were my kind of trails! And I really enjoyed them. I would definitely ride them again.

Made it home today and was happy to see Purl and the boys. I picked up the boys from school and I should have known better. This is Kelly's week and when you mess with Alex's schedule it throws him. I walk into the after-school program and Daryl jumps up "Mom, I didn't know you were getting us!"

Alex comes up, "Today is dad's day, what are you doing here?"
Me-"I just got back and wanted to see you!"
Alex starting to cry, "But dad is picking us up today!"

Needless to say the after-school people thought I was kidnapping my children. I'm glad the cops didn't meet us at the house! Once I explained to Alex I was just picking him up, giving him some hugs, and taking him to dad's he was fine. I'll learn some day not to mess with his schedule!

These trail names were great!

Penelope is always confused when we climb mountains.
We live in Kansas she says!
We rode Lil Raddler and the pepper trails. 

Trails around S mountain in Salida. 

Friday, August 9, 2019

Mom and Sons Family Fun Day!

Today was a good day to celebrate the end of summer break! I had a lot of plans for our fun day, it just had to wait until noon when I got off of work. I picked the boys up from camp and we went to get milkshakes at Bobo's before we hit the pool. However, when the milkshakes got to the car Alex was in tears. I don't really know why, but I did know without a nap our whole day was going to be a mess.

As long as he was already crying I said we were delaying the pool to take a one hour nap at home. He cried himself to sleep! He was so mad at me he emptied his hamper and slept in it. I don't know how that hurts me?!

Sometimes mom does know best because after that we spent almost three hours at the pool, tear free! Alex then got to choose our dinner and he picked HuHot. He loves noodles! That was enough fun for the boys. So we came home and I sewed two more shirts! I'm addicted to this pattern! I went back to the store for more cactus fabric to remake shirt number one. That is when I found dinosaur fabric! Hence the two new shirts.

School starts on Tuesday, the boys have their supplies and new shoes. They are ready, here's hoping I can keep up!

My pool rats!

The dreaded nap!

Having dessert to say goodbye to summer! 
My RAWR shirt 

Monday, August 5, 2019

Saying Goodbye To Grandma

On August first, right on schedule, Grandma Rosie headed north to her next family to live with for four months. This is the beginning of her third rotation of her retirement plan. There are three families that she lives with each for four months. It is the best four months of our year, and I think my siblings feel the same.

It is always hard to see her go, I think Purl takes it the hardest, she gets used to having Grandma home all day with her. I know I'm lucky to be able to spend so much time with my parent as an adult. But 4 months out of 12 still doesn't feel like enough when she leaves. So I'm patiently waiting till April 2020. :-)

Last night the boys and I took a practice walk to their new school. They are over their nerves of going to a new school starting next week. Now they are just excited! They met some kids that will go to their new school at summer camp. So I think that has helped with the transition.

Once they got to the new school they realized the park had ninja warrior equipment. So the new school is approved! Alex wanted to go inside real bad, they don't understand pods and really want to see the inside. I told him to be patient, he will get to go inside very very soon!

Cheers to the last week of summer! I hope to get a fun day in with the boys before this week is over.

Bye Grandma! See you soon on Labor Day! 

Making sure they stop at intersections, don't freak out at the dogs that bark,
and make both of their turns! There are only two. 

New school playground approved!