Thursday, May 30, 2019

May Goal Progress!

So much happened in May. I went to Dress School, finished another grad class and the boys are officially in summer break. Must have been motivated because I have gotten a lot of things done this month. Let's keep this going through June and July, I will need the extra "pep" for the summer months!

2019 Goals 
Read 10 Books: 7
I had five and I added 2 in May!
Zoo Nebraska by Carson Vaughan
This book was a recommend off of an Amazon e-mail. I don't usually even open these e-mails but I'm glad I opened this one. This is a true story about a man who had a dream to work with primates. It documents how little  bad decisions can add up in a very bad way. I liked this book.

The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
With the current climate this book hits a little too close to home. It is non-fiction, for now. One of those books that will keep you up at night.

Knit 4 Things (and no new yarn!): 2
Still only two completed items. But I have started a pair of socks! I'm on the heel of my first one, so far so good!

Run 400 Miles: 200!!!!
I ran 45 miles in May. That was 5 miles over my goal, and put me as exactly 200 for the year. That was exciting. I think the reason is all of these very cool morning we have been having after nights of rain. Makes for a refreshing run.

Five House Projects:
Stairs (Completed: 0/00 )
Porch (Completed: 5/22/19 )
Dishwasher (Completed: 2/23 )
Water Heater (Completed: 2/15 )
Refinish Door (Completed: 0/00)

Not only was I able to have the porch rebuilt, I also replaced the storm door. I am so happy with how the project turned out! Just need to stain it once the weather dries out a bit. :-)

Mom and I went to Hanston over Memorial Day Weekend.
She touched up dad's headstone. 

It looks great now! 


New Screen door! It actually wants to close!

I love my new porch! 

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

House projects!

I finally got another house project checked off the list. The pictures are great but they don't capture the big problem with the old porch. It was bouncy, and your front porch should not bounce. Alex thought it was fun, but he would have changed his mind if he fell through it!

So the porch was rebuilt and it is solid now! I am still going to stain it, but I need to wait for the rain to stay away for more than 12 hours...ugh...

I can't believe May is almost over. I have been productive but I;m not ready for summer. Someone slow this year down!


First beer on the porch! This will be the summer hangout spot! 

The before picture! The green golf carpet is gone!

Friday, May 17, 2019

1st Grade Music Program

It has been a crazy busy week, and I've been meaning to write this post since Tuesday. But that is summer!
On Tuesday, Alex had his music program. His music teacher put together a great show. They sang songs about all of the May holidays; Cinco De Mayo, Mother's Day, Teacher's Day and International Jazz Day were all represented.
Alex was so excited because he had a speaking part. He practiced in the car for a couple of weeks and you could understand every word he said. Good Job Alberto! He was also excited to get a new outfit for his program. He already wants to know when he can wear it again. :-) (shhhh, it was on sale from Easter)
After the program he asked me where we were going to eat his cake. I looked at him puzzled, "We don't have a cake." He informed me that last year he got cake and ice cream and we all took pictures. I told him, "that was for your Kindergarten graduation Alex, you don't get a cake every year!"
He wasn't pleased with that news but he did make us all take pictures! He directed them, one of all of us, one with grandma, one with daddy and one with mommy. We took them all! What a goof!

Daryl had to run to the car, almost a family picture! LOL

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Dress School Graduate!

These past four days have been wonderful! I got to go to Dress School at The Harveyville Project and learned helpful tips and tricks about sewing. I made three dresses and one bonus top under the instruction of the lovely Sonya Philip from 100 acts of sewing. I made Sonya's Dress #1, Dress #2 and Dress #3. Dress #3 is a caftan and was my favorite! It is my Golden Girls dress and I want to live in it!

I don't know what was the best part of dress school? Was it the lovely dresses I came home with, my new sewing friends, the gourmet meals we were served or finding my new favorite swear words? Everyday you could hear in the sewing room, "Mother Pucker, Son of a Stitch!" At night we would also declare, "Let's get Basted!"

Too much fun, if you don't think it's funny, I guess you had to be there! PS, you could be there next time!

The Harveyville High School turned artist retreat!

Fabric on Thursday

Dresses on Sunday! 

Cutting out my caftan from beautiful rayon fabric!

Dress #1

Dress #2

Dress #3 My favorite Dress! 

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Baseball and Fishing Don't Mix!

Been meaning to write this post for days. It is one of those stories I will probably forget, but it's a good one!

While I was at my last class for this semester my mom took Daryl to his 4-H fishing club. He had a great night and caught eight fish! It was there first time at the lake trying all of their new skills. When Daryl caught his first fish one of the leaders came over to help him take it off the hook. He told Daryl, "This is a good fish, but since we are not keeping any tonight go ahead and throw him back."

Daryl takes the fish, winds up and launches it into the lake with a splash! My mom said it was a great splash! The volunteer told Daryl, "Next time why don't you just drop him in the water, don't want to hurt the fish."

I don't know what they expected when they tell a little baseball player to throw back his fish! LOL

Ok, this was a short one because I'm off to Dress School! I will be back next week to hopefully show you three awesome dresses. Hopefully!

I think this is the one that got thrown back!

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

April Progress and PILLOW!

April was a quick month. I did get some stuff done so, yay me! Also, last night my mom made me a pillow that matches my favorite Alpaca blanket. It is the best thing ever and I took about 20 pictures of it this morning. My mom makes these pillows for all of the grandchildren, and I thought I should get one too. She was not this crafty when I was little. It was probably that whole job thing.  ;-)

2019 Goals 
Read 10 Books: 5
I had four and I added 1 in April:
I'll be gone in the Dark by Michelle McNamara
I'm not really into reading true crime, but it is good to try new things. I only know about this book because the author passed while she was writing it, and they caught the guy after she had died. I've always thought that was so unfair, so I wanted to read her book. It was very well written and a page turner. However, I'm still not a true crime fan, sorry!

Knit 4 Things (and no new yarn!): 2
I finished a hat for Jefferson! I started it in February so it was way overdue. I wonder how long it will take me to get it to him......

Run 400 Miles: 155
I added 36 miles in April. That also included a 5K that I was happy with. I'm going to go for 40 miles in May. I want to break 200 but I don't think it will be in May...

Five House Projects:
Stairs (Completed: 0/00 )
Porch (Completed: 0/00 )
Dishwasher (Completed: 2/23 )
Water Heater (Completed: 2/15 )
Refinish Door (Completed: 0/00)
Did have any house projects this month. Should be able to tackle one or two in May!

Hat model! 

A picture with Daryl because he rarely takes them
with me anymore!

My pillow!!! (Pillow model)

Now I can take my blanket and pillow on all my trips!