Sunday, October 7, 2018

Procrastinating Some Paper Writing

I have about two hours before the kids will be in bed and there will be no more reasons not to finish my paper for my communications class. It has to be six pages long, and I am on page three. This week is my last week for that class, and I can see the light at the end of the homework tunnel!

The boys and I had a fun 4-H weekend. We did a program at the library on Saturday, and today the boys went to their first officer leader training. It was themed using The Incredibles movie and they had a lot of fun!

I'm dreaming about what I will do with all my free time once this class is over. I can read what I want, run, knit and work on some house projects. Better stop dreaming for tonight and finish my dumb paper. Boo.
Alex enjoying the chairs I got for the kitchen!

Alex learning lots of 4-H stuff!

Daryl being studious!

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