Monday, October 15, 2018

Bike Lawrence!

Decided to take advantage of the one day with no rain and biked the path around Lawrence with Jefferson on Saturday. He thinks it is about twenty miles but my legs thought it was longer than that! We made pit stops along the way and played Uno! It was a fun day, we started at 1pm and ended at 7pm. The scariest part was riding on the river levee in the dark because we thought we would be done earlier! Oops! So glad we did it Saturday because it was so rainy on Sunday. The only thing Sunday was good for was soup!

Today, I did a lot of things around the house including decorating for Halloween! I also met with a contractor to figure out what some of my house projects are going to cost. $$$$ I should have mowed but instead went for a run. With all of the rain last week it was my first run since last Monday. Yikes! I'm going to have to get more in than that if I'm dreaming about a half in April. Dreams!!

See the cow behind us? 

Biking through the wetlands



AND SUGAR SKULLS! Halloween is the best for decor. 

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